Lover was playing on the radio when we drive passed by him

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Picture from Pinterest.

"You have his eyes, the reflection of the blue sea in summer and it's really beautiful. I miss him" Mom told me once when I was 5 years old, it was around the time when my parent had just divorce and walked to different paths.

Most of my father looks goes down to me including the bright blue eyes, my facial structure, even the tiny mole on my nose that I recently just found out about it too. Most of them beside my height and black wavy hair, it's definitely my moms.

Growing up, I am the only daughter that my parent had. And probably also going to be the one and only daughter they had because as what I was saying, they had divorce when I was 5 years old. Unless, my father's second wife is planning to get pregnant again and decide to give birth to a girl. It could happen, they already have two sons. I give zero shit, sorry I just feel like I need to curse. My father behavior toward my mom was unforgivable. He abused her, sometimes a younger version of me too when he can't control his anger. He also cheated on her. I guess the lyrics of Moral Of The Story by Ashe ft Niall Horan "Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes" hits too real based on my parent experience.

It was long time ago, time flies, ten years had passed by. Here we are living in an Inn at the beach. The Inn wasn't ours; it was belong to my mom's family which I also just had discovered that my grandfather is 'that RICH'. He's the owners of Genova's hotel, inside and outside Japan, I remember I can't bring myself to count how many of the hotel buildings he owned because I was too nervous and I can't believe that my mom threw her life away for a guy like my father. My grandfather whom I called him gramps, he found out about my parent condition and how my mom worked hard at the travel agent to pay our bills. He decided to give my mom a second chance by taking care of his Inn. It was not as big as the hotel (that is why it's called Inn for a reason), it has 3 floors with 5 rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor. On the 1st floor, there is a public living room and public kitchen on the right side of the Inn. The public kitchen leads to my uncle's mini restaurant which located on the outside of the Inn (Yes, at the beach). You can enjoy your meal with the view of the sea. Straight down from my uncle's mini restaurant is the backyard of our Inn, at the beach but more near to the sea, sometimes it used for wedding parties which are also managed by the Inn under my mom. The left side of the 1st floor belongs to us three; there is small living room that connected to my mom's office. And gramps kind enough to build us a small kitchen that only open to us three so we could stock everything of our own without getting mixed with the customer needs.

My bedroom is on the 2nd floor, it was one of the 5 rooms. My mom live downstairs which left to my uncle on the 3rd floor. I LOVE my room; I got the best view to the sea. I never have a room for myself growing up so I was so excited when gramps told me that I can pick one of the room, and the best part is I can decorate it with my own liking.

I make myself downstairs to our kitchen. My uncle has finish making us breakfast and now he's preparing for my lunch box. I just met him two months ago but we're getting pretty close easily, probably because of our age gap was close. My uncle and I were just five years apart; to be honest, he's too young to be called an uncle. I called him by his name and he doesn't react so I guess he's cool with me calling his first name. My gramps adopted him since he was still a toddler.

"Where's mom?" I sit across the container where he's preparing for my lunch box. He gave me a plate of two slices of toast with strawberry jams on top of it. I took another one slice of toast and put it on my plate. He's no longer surprised by my large appetite. I think we both secretly make a great team when it comes to food. He loves to explore while cooking and I love to try what he explores. He likes that I am honest when it comes to judging. Sorry I brought up the topic of the zodiac, but I'm a Capricorn. I am a brutally honest person. He was the first person to think of it as a good thing. My mom didn't like that one of many things about me.

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