Chapter 2

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"So this is all you have?" Rachel said walking to my room which was next to the bathroom. 

"It's a lot!" I protested. 

"I--this--is nothing!" Rachel spluttered. "It's a backpack and a small suitcase!" 

"This suitcase has ALL my clothes in it. Look." I opened up the suitcase to reveal my clothes. 

"Well we are taking you shopping." she said staring at my clothes. "You don't have much at all!" 

"That's the most I've had in my whole life." I told her. 

"What!! Well, what's in the backpack?" 

"Well, this binder I've used since 3rd grade, you have to reuse all of your school supplies, right? Also these 3 notebooks. 2 are full I write in them every day. I almost need a new one. I also have this one for the songs I write. And this is the football I stole from Monica's room the night before she left for college. And this is my wallet with my life savings. See? And in here, I hid my prized possessions. My hat and the stuffed dog Monica gave me when she left for college. The one you gave me when you left for college." I showed her. "And here's my jewelry box. I made this bracelet at one of those Christmas things at city hall. And Here is my charm bracelet Monica gave me for my birthday last year, and my birthday card I got from my mom on my 11th birthday! That year made me feel so good. I actually got a card! And most of the money my dad gave me for my birthday my mom took so she could order pizza or something. But that's okay." 

Rachel sat there looking stunned and just listening. 

"Oh! My birthday is coming up!" I remembered. 

"May 18th!" Rachel and I said in unison. 

"You remembered?" I smiled at her. 

"Of course How could I forget my best friend's birthday?" She laughed. I joined in. 

 "I'm still your best friend?" I felt a happiness I haven't felt in a really really long time. 

"Always have been., always will be." She smiled at me. 

"You said the same thing when you came home for Thanksgiving with Monica! When I thought your boyfriend was your best friend but he wasn't!" 

"Yes I did." 

I felt a huge dumb smile spread across my face. And then tears in my yes.m I wanted so desperately to tell her everything that happened in the last 2 days. But I really don't have the strength to. And I really don't want to worry her. 

I'm probably not her best friend  anymore, but her and Monica are mine. And it doesn't matter what people think, they will always be my best friends. And they are going to take great care of me. 

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