Chapter 3

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"Monica? Can you play football with me PLEASE?" I asked my sister. 

"Ellie, I really want to. I'm sorry. But I have to go to work!" She replied rushing around the room trying to find her keys. 

"Can't you just take off?" 

She walked over to me and put her face level to mine. I'm not that much shorter, just about 3 inches. "I can't. I have to go make money. You know, so you can eat and have clothes and running water." 

"Well my mom didn't have much money and I still got to eat once a day, and looking around this place I'd say you're okay." 

"Oh, El. How do I tell you this?" She paced around for a second. "You were in the worst living conditions ever. EVER. I am nowhere near rich. You are also supposed to eat 3 meals a day, not one." She explained. 

"Fine, you can go. Aren't you already late though?" 

"I start at 11am on weekdays." And we aren't open on weekends, so I can play with you then. I'm sure if you ask Joey he would play with you." SHe told me. 


"If not just watch TV or something. Rachel get's home at 3, so does Chandler and Ross gets out at 5:30. I will probably be home late tonight because normally another chef takes over for me at 6:00 if I don't have the later shift. I really have to go now." She ran out the door. "Also Phoebe is going to come check on you during lunch and take you out." She ran out again, only to come back. "Love you!" 

"Love you too, Monica." I laughed and she ran out. Living with my sister and her friends is already cool. I get people to play football with that aren't dumb boys from school trying to hit on me and I get people to check on me and LUNCH!!!!!!

I got bored of the TV and walked over to Joey's apartment. I knocked on the door hoping he was home and awake. He was. 

"Hey Ellie!" He said, opening the door. "What's up. 

"Do you want to go play football in the park or something?"I asked. 

"Of course! I love football! Let me get my shoes and we can go!" 


"So, why aren't you in school today?" Joey asked me once he got his shoes and we were on the way downstairs. 

"Teacher convention." 

"Oh those were the days when we got random Mondays off of school." He said smiling. 

"Yeah. They're gonna be even better now because I get to hang out with you! Also when's Phoebe's lunch break?" 

"1pm. Why?" 

"She's coming to get me for lunch today." 

"Nice. Maybe I'll tag along." 

"That would be fun! I finally get someone who wants to do stuff with me! I love this! You can be, like, my fun older brother because Ross is boring!" I told him. 

"But I already have a million sisters." 

"Well I'm going to be your favorite. You wait and see!" I joked. 

"You probably will be." He laughed. We got to the park and started throwing the football. 

"So if you never had anyone to throw with you, then how'd you learn?"asked Joey. 

"Well Monica taught me when I was a little kid. And then this guy my mom dated for like 2 years loved football and would play with me." 

"Fun. But why'd they break up?" 

"Because of my mom." 


We threw the football in silence for another few minutes before we got interrupted by my least favorite people ever. 

"Hi, Ellie." Said a voice I hate with every bone in my body. I really do love everybody but these girls piss me off. 

"Hi Kayla." I said with fake enthusiasm. Here we go. 

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