Chapter 3 - Our Little Secret

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Letitia's pov:
As the sun rays peaked through my blinds waking me up, I rolled over reaching my hand out hoping to be met with Scarlett's body but she wasn't there. I opened my eyes wider trying to wake up properly, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes with the back of my hand, to find a note on the pillow. It read:

To Letitia,
Thanks for letting me stay the night, and I'm sorry you had to wake up alone. Had to dash home and get ready for later, see you this afternoon. - Scarlett xo

I smiled as I read the letter, but my smile quickly turning into a yawn. I stumbled out of bed trying to find my phone, I found my Lock Screen full of notifications. 10 missed calls from Chris and 4 voicemails. I never missed a call from my brother. As soon as I called Chris he answered in an angry tone, "why haven't you been answering any of my calls T?!" My mouth went dry, the thought of telling him what actually went on last night made me feel sick, "I was uh sleeping, I've only just got up. Why, what's the rush?" Chris seemed very disappointed over the phone, "are you serious? Get your ass over here now. Wear something casual." He hung up.

Something casual? I showered as quickly as I could, trying not to slip and drying my hair in a rush. I quickly slid on some blue trousers, not too dark but not too light and not too skinny, but not too loose. I pulled my white socks over my feet. Yanking my sports bra over my head followed by a white t-shirt and a black jumper. Grabbing my phone, and my car keys as I slid on my shoes and ran out the door.

I wouldn't say I was speeding to Chris' house, but it certainly felt like I was going 100 mph. I jumped out of my car and ran up the drive way, tumbling through the front door. "Finally, I thought you'd died!" Chris said while giving me a hug. "Yeah sorry, where are we going? You said to dress casual." I replied trying to catch my breath as he pulled away. "We're going out for lunch and then coming back here to watch the football. Come on T, did you forget or something?" my brother furrowing his eyebrows at me, "first of all, who is we? And secondly aren't you supposed to be filming the avengers film?" raising an eyebrow at him. "We as in the cast, we don't start filming until tomorrow you dork. Thought it'd be nice to see everyone before our schedules are full again. Now come on let's get a move on" Chris said while grabbing his keys.

The drive to NYC was quiet, especially because the topic 'what did you get up to last night' wasn't up for discussion, again making me feel sick just thinking about it, but I liked quiet. Once we made it to the restaurant everyone else was there to no surprise. Chris and I walked towards our table in a rush as I whispered in my brother's ear, "I see Robert didn't book the whole place this time," chris nudging me as we were all greeted. I sat down next to Scarlett this time, seeing as that was the only seat left, and I was dreading the conversation we'd have to have after last nights actions. There was an awkward silence at first but it went away when everybody started talking again. "Thought you two weren't gonna join us," Robert joked. "Yeah sorry I woke up late and Chris decided to wait for me so we'd arrive together," I apologised to the whole group.

Scarlett put her hand on my shoulder and smiled, "well at least you're here now, I was starting to miss you." I started to feel the butterflies dance in my stomach as I shifted in my seat, hearing a slight giggle to the left of me. Before our food even arrived Scarlett kept flirting with me in front of everyone, although nobody took any notice, and I felt myself becoming flustered every minute. I stood up from the table needing to splash some water on my face, "excuse me," as I quickly walked to the bathroom. The rest of the group looking confused, "Chris is your sister alright" Hemsworth quizzed, "I think so, she was quiet on the way here though and she wasn't answering her phone this morning" my brother replied. "I'll go check on T," Scarlett assured Chris, when really she wanted some alone time with me.

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