Prologue 01- New Faces

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Hopes-Peak Academy. The High-School of hope. I stood in the entrance for a little while, daunted- at all the whizzing colours, the people, the business, the boldness. I wasn't daunted because I was scared- I was daunted because I couldn't stop thinking, how the hell did I end up here? At this magical, fantasy-like school. I knew the answer- but processing it was something beyond me, so I took another second to remember-

It was at my Junior high-school, we were in the last term and I had all my plans set and ready to go to my local high-school with my friends. Ironically, we were just talking about it all when my homeroom teacher called me up from my desk. I remember being nervous, did I talk too loud?

"Uta Iruka," she said as soon as I'd approached her- and ugh, I hate my last name being used! "Come with me." Now I was scared- deadly scared. Principles office, getting told off or bad news- those were the only reasons you were ever taken out of class and everybody knew it! But instead, we just stood round the side of the classroom and she handed me an envelope.

"Before you open it," She was stern but with a warm expression, "I'm just going to tell you..." I looked down at the envelope, it was fancy and sealed- yet obviously some sort of formal document was contained inside of it, "You've been offered a place at hope's peak high."

"What!?" I gasped at once, hopes peak was for the super talented, the ultimates, not me! I was just a regular brainy kid! "Why miss? What did I get a place for?"

"I mean, I was shocked- but seeing you shocked just makes me more confused- surely you know, your talent."

My talent? "I don't know, miss!" I was honest, "I really don't." I had no talents the school was aware of, at least. I didn't play any instruments, I didn't dance, I didn't sing or model or do anything that would set me aside from anyone.

"Your poetry! You're the ultimate Poet, they say! I was surprised, I didn't even know you wrote poetry, but when they contacted me, I checked it out, and it's beautiful- it makes complete sense that you're the ultimate poet!" The words hit me even harder than the words of poetry hit me- my little poem account on social media had been found by hopes-peak-academy! And they thought I was talented, they thought I was ultimate!

So here I was, stood only inches away from the school, watching the superstar students that I was apparently on the same level as. I finally did it. I finally took a deep breath in, counted to three and took a step in. The air smelt fresh and vibrant! I felt vibrant, just to be a part of hopes peak!

But then, I felt dizzy, began to stumble, my sight going blurry and my ears becoming muffled- blurring the sound into this almost white noise. I must have been walking though, because when I opened my eyes, I was in front of a large door, "hall," It was labelled, the same door my acceptance letter had said to meet in on my first day. Shaking off the rest of the dizziness, I pushed open the posh white door and took a step inside.

Awaiting in the glamourous hall were four beautiful girls- already engaged in a conversation. I felt awkward now, a few of them briefly looked at me- but that wasn't what made me feel awkward- what made me feel awkward was the fact that they were all dressed so stunningly- and uniquely! One of them was dressed in this gorgeous lacy blue 'lolita' type dress, another slightly taller girl, similar except her dress was more eccentric, complicated and 'gothic'- and one girl, well, there was only one word I could think to describe her with and that was, "Pink" Every item of clothing on her was pink! And here I thought I was stylish in my shoulder-cut yellow jumper and 'vintage' brown skinny jeans. Not only that, but all four of the girls were seriously pretty, all with completely clear skin- and makeup shades that complimented their face shapes. Where as I was just average- wearing no makeup apart from mild concealer. I'd never considered myself particularly ugly before, but stood here in front of these girls- there really wasn't any other word to describe myself.

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