Prologue 02- New faces

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The boys, at first glance, looked different in every way- one dressed in a stylish red suit, the other in a baggy and colourful hoodie with headphones- but on further inspection, you could see that they were, in fact, twins. In face and body structure- they were completely identical.

"Zuki!! I swear this can't be the right room," The bright jacket twin spoke, "I mean, like, how could we just happen to randomly stumble to the room after-..."
The other twin interrupted, his voice less enthusiastic than his twins, "Well it looks like we've just got an audience then,"

I realised he was referring to us, we were all watching them bright eyed and quiet- there was something interesting about them. Even now, none of us said a word, so the suit twin spoke,
"An Audience of beautiful women," he paused, "Or are you our classmates- class eighty?"

"The second one," Midnight replied, rather sarcastically.
"Or you could be both?"
Kanna giggled, "Maybe we are, what are you an ultimate in then? Ultimate hottie?"
"Oh my god, Kanna, why would you even say that?" Midnight was acting as if she knew her- but I was certain they'd only met for the first time less than an hour ago, "He looks older than us as well."
Had she not realised they were twins?

"Actually," Said the bright jacket boy, "we're fifteen!"
"And I'm not the ultimate hottie, though I'm glad you think so,"the other boy gave off a flirty grin, "I'm Sazuki Shimizu, the ultimate host," "Sazuki Shimizu, the ultimate host,"
"And this is my twin brother, Satou, the ultimate DJ," "Satou Shimizu, the ultimate DJ."

There was another push at the door, a short blonde boy- upon closer inspection I knew exactly who he was! I had to try my hardest to contain myself and not fan girl!
I must have been staring for a while because soon Mitsuki spoke up, "Uhm hello... who are you?"
Silence- and in a split second every was repeating the same question.
"Wait!" I gasped, "Do you not know who he is?"
Everyone shook their heads- it appeared that no one here had a respect for literature.
"He's Muon Sakka, the ultimate journalist... or author, I don't know which- but he's famous! He wrote 'Tokyo's secret dragon' one of the most famous fantasy novels ever!" I did it. I fan girled.
"Muon Sakka, the Ultimate Journalist."
It's just, I had no idea he was coming to hopes peak this year, never mind be in my class!!
"Ok," Midnight spoke, unamused to have a famous author amongst us, "why couldn't he tell us that himself?"
"Oh yeah!" I gasped at once, "He's mute! He writes about it in his blog, it's quite cool actually- he talks about how he became an author because he could never make any friends and how..." I had to stop myself talking about him like he wasn't even there, so I turned around to him and stuck out my hand, he took it and shook it lightly, "I'm Uta by the way, the ultimate poet! So we have a lot in common! I'm sure we'll be really good friends!" He smiled at me and my heart dropped slightly. A famous author smiled at me! Wait, I was basically a famous author too, now! I was shoulder-height with an author of whom I'd read almost all of books! Well, not really shoulder height, technically- I was about four inches taller than him. I never imagined him to be so short!

"I know sign language!" Naomi smiled, "Do you, Muon?"
Muon nodded, then signed something to Naomi.
"He says, yes I do, nice to meet you!" Naomi paused, and started signing as she spoke, "I'm N-A-O-M-I, the ultimate artist!"
I felt a little worried, worried that they'd bond and that Naomi would take my spotlight away from being Muon's friend.
"Maybe you can teach us all sign language!" I said quickly, as there was another squeak at the door.

A boy rushed in, black hair and a red beanie. He had scars all up his legs and a couple of marks on his face, Panting like he'd sprinted here. "Hi," Said Mitsuki, "What's your name?"
"It's Takashi Mieko," 

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