Chapter 1- 02 Dorm Life

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(Above is the map of the area I promised, it looks terrible, I apologise deeply.)

"So, Uta, Monoburu spoke teasingly, "Have you made your choice?"
This was becoming a harder decision by the second...
"Tik tok or you'll be in for a lonnnnng detention!"
The way he said it (and the fact he was some sort of robotic stuffed animal) made me think that it wouldn't be any normal detention... So I hurried up and just went with my guts.

"Uhm, I think I'm going to go with Midnight's group."
"Phahaha do you have a crush on the gothy model? A little lesbian romance? Maybe I should pop you with the boys... or do you swing both ways?" The bull plush spoke like a forty year old man who'd only just learnt the term "LGBTQ"

"You can't say things like that!" Mitsuki gasped,
"It's totally uncalled for," Rio added,
"Yeah," Midnight spoke, "You got offended when we 'misgendered' you and you're a stuffed cow- bull, for crying out loud!"

"Uhm excuse me, this is my class and I can say whatever the hell I want, and I was just asking Uta a simple question. Does she have a crush on Midnight?"

"No!" I spoke at once, offended- not because of the claim I might like girls, but of the claim I'd crush on someone as straightforward as Midnight- we were total opposites and not in the 'opposites attract' sort of way, "You asked me to pick a room, so I did! In fact, if I have a crush on anyone it's-" I stopped myself, "never mind..."

Emi, who was besides me nudged me and whispered jokingly, "oh do tell!" I let out a slight giggle.
"Well, now you've finished lecturing me, do you want to see your dorms! Boys come over here!" Monoburu announced and the boys did so, scuttling towards us, "First of all, I have maps for you all- of this place- oh and before you get all confused, you're not in hopes peak high anymore, you're in a small dormitory area for students that never ended up getting used."

"What the fuck!?" Midnight gasped.
"Honestly, nothing would surprise me anymore," Sazuki sighed, "Just a waiting game right guys?"
"Right!" We all spoke at once, and Mononuru,  seemingly ignoring what we had to say started handing out sheets containing an awkward map of the place.

"There are nine rooms," Kazu spoke, "And we can't even access the opposite genders room, meaning each one of us has to live what you say is 'the rest of our lives' in seven rooms."

"Yep." Replied Monoburu, bluntly- how did a stuffed animal have so much emotion in its voice? "Or you could kill and hide it very well."

"Or we could wait for the police," Said Miyasato.

"Agreed." Sazuki spoke. 

"Well, well whatever you decide your morals are, it doesn't make much of a difference to me, I guess- after all I'm just a regular old bull-"

"Y'know, " Shiroma giggled, "That's bullshit."

"WHAT!?" Monoburu gasped, "What did you just say?"

"It's bullshit- everything." Shiroma laughed, and we all giggled a little bit too, "Because you're a bull- and everything you say is a complete lie-"

"So I'm not a cow anymore.. Well that's good- Wait- Lies- I'm not lying- tell me how I'm lying!"

"Well," Shiroma started, "You're not a regular Bull for one, what did you say he was, Kazu?"

But before Kazu got to speak, Shiroma continued, clearly he was the type that could never keep his mouth shut once he'd started- sort of the complete opposite to Muon, "A student project- right. And also, if you think we're going to kill each other you're obviously delusional."

"Did I ever say I thought you were going to? No!" Monoburu seemed insulted- how could a plush animal seem insulted?  "I merely said if you want to leave that's what you'll have to do- anyway, are you ready to see your rooms?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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