Something did Happen to You

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Ramah POV

   Ramah screamed. She couldn't help herself.
It all happened in slow motion:
The crowd rioting. The spear flying, and colliding with Thomas' body. Right into his stomach.

Her husband who boldly preached in Jesus' name.
Perhaps dead.




The word rang in her ears for what seemed eternity.
She wanted to run to him but her feet wouldn't let her go.
She willed herself to go.
She set one foot in front of the other and willed herself to run.
Then she was by his side.
A sob escaped her throat. She didn't even hear the men yelling behind her.
Her poor, sweet, kind, caring Thomas. Lying there, pale, bloody, and smiling.

At her.

"You're be-beautiful as ever, my Desert Moon."
She sobbed again. She didn't know what to do. Should she help him sit up? Should she even touch him?

But it was too late to do anything. The next thing she knew, two arms hooked underneath hers and a sack was pulled over her head.

She was shoved forward and pressed to keep walking. She sobbed every step of the way.
Where was Thomas?

She heard indistinct voices. She didn't recognize the voices or the language. They must be the Indian men. Thomas had learned some of the Indian language, but still had to have an interpreter. It sounded similar to the words he had learned

The next, next thing she knew, the sack was removed and she was being dumped into a wooden crate.
With Thomas. Sad bleeding Thomas. He was losing too much blood. And she had nothing to help him. Nothing to save him.

She pulled him onto her lap and rocked back and forth. He was heavier than she thought he'd be. Maybe she had baked him too many goodies. She couldn't help it though; he was her world - under God. Tears spilled from her cheeks and her chest ached from crying.
She pulled him further and laid his head on a sack of rice lying next to her. Now the ugly spear glared up at her. It had been roughly cut short so that they could move him to the crate with her.

"Oh Thomas," she cried.

He opened his eyes.

She gasped.

"Tell me about us."

"Thomas, what do you mean?"

"Tell me ab-about us. B-before I die."

"No! Thomas you're not going to die! You can't!"

He said nothing. Only closed his eyes.

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