Chapter 10

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  After yesterday Jason would call me through out the day. We would talk then his dad or sibling would make him get off the phone. Roger had come home and let me tell you it was hard to lie to him. I wanted to tell him but I would have to ask Freddie first because Freddie told me not to say. 

  The day dragged on and lounged around the house. I eventually got the gumption to get up and do something. I waked downstairs and looked around. There was Rogers drums that I had to put together early this morning before he came, piano, and guitar. I picked the guitar up and played george Harrisons part then set it down.

  I went back upstairs and continued to look around. Roger was outside reading so I Decided to join him.

" hey what's up" He said as I opened my book

  "nothing really just decided to come out here and read with you" That's when we heard the door bell.

  " I'll be right back" he said

  a few minutes later he came back with John and his family and Freddie with sine girl.

  " look who's here" He said smiling

   I smiled once I saw Jason he was walking in my direction when his siblings dragged him to other side of the yard. I laughed at him shook my head. Freddie and that girl and John and his wife had sat down. I felt kinda odd sitting here but oh well. Freddie looked over at me.

   " Kelly I would like you to meet Mary Austin" Freddie said.

   I smiled at her and stuck my hand out for her to shake.

  " It's a pleasure to meet you I've heard wonderful things about you" She said making me genuinely smile.

  "oh really " I said looking at Freddie making him laugh then me.

  " so Freddie was telling me something yesterday" John's wife, Veronica, said directing it towards me.

  " Oh really and what may that be" Roger said sounding intrigued.

  " oh that somebody has a thing for our son" She said trying to sound serious but failed miserably making everyone laugh.

  I sat there while they laughed and just blushed. I looked at my lap.

  " oh kelly it's nothing to be embarrassed of its cute" Roger said and everyone else agreeing.

  " I know but all this stuff is still new to me" I said

  "well love is a tricky thing " Freddie said

  "no that's not what I mean I understand love I don't understand this way of life how everything that goes on seems so perfect I'm used to the life of being in a orphanage going and sitting outside by the tree that every since I was 6 I sat under read, writing, playing guitar eating all that sucky food having no one to talk to the silence I sometimes worshiped every parent that interviewed me  not liking the way I am or was just to stupid but now that's all changed I'm not saying I want that again because I don't but this is just all hard to take in" I said trying not to get worked up but did anyhow.

   " Kelly I'm s-" Freddie said but I cut him off.

   I got up and walked away. I needed to be alone I needed to get away.

   " Kelly where you going" They all called but I ignored them.

  I went from walking then I started running. I ran through the sliding glass go doors to the backyard, through the kitchen, and dining room then through the front doors of the house. I ran down the steps and dow, c the drive way. I ran from the country side to halsemere down town surrey. I walked down the streets with only 15 pounds in my pocket.

   I wasn't really running away, away no but I needed time to get away and adjust. It's hard adjusting to a new life when you've spent the last 8 years of your life living a certain way. I found myself getting hungry and decided to get something to eat. I walked until I found a little restaurant that seemed good enough.

   I walked in and it was self sit. I walked over to the seat by the window. I sat down and picked up the menu.  I looked up real quick from the menu and noticed how much people were in here. I looked back down mad decided just to get a sandwich and a water. I sat the menu down and few minutes later a waitress came.

  " Hi I'm sherry I'll be your server today what can I get you" She said smiling

  "Hi can I get The number 4 the turkey Sandwich on a English muffin and a small water please" I said

  "of course will that be it" she said

  " yes mam" I said

  "alright ill be back in ten" She said then walking off to the kitchen.

  I sat there thinking and ten minutes later she came back and gave me water and sandwich.  Once she left I picked up my sandwich eating quietly and sipping my water.


  " what do you mean she's gone " Brian yelled into the phone..

  "I mean she got upset earlier and ran inside the house and now she's nowhere to be found we've looked all over my property and haven't found her" I told brian.

  " Roger why haven't you called the police" Brian said.

  " I have they said they can't do anything until it's been 24 hours" I said starting to get alittle annoyed.

  "Alright alright ill be home in tow days and expect my daughter to be there" Brian said before hanging up.


Once I was done Sherry brought me my check. It was 4 pounds even. I gave her 2 and half pounds tip then left. I walked back through town to the country roads. I walked over bridges woth rushing water below, past beautiful English gardens, amazing farms, and on the sometimes dusty sometimes paved roads. I got back to Rogers at 11 at night. Everyone had left but the lights were still on. I walked over to one of the windows peeping in. Roger sat there with his head in his hands and on the phone to someone. The window was little opened so slowly pushed it some.

  " what am I gonna do she's gone I don't know where to look it's all my fault actually all of ours she's to broken for this lifestyle we need to help her as much as we can get her used to things" he said into the phone.

  I walked away from the window and sat in the front steps. Was I really that broken? I mean the past 8 years had been rough. We're they just gonna send me back? No they wouldn't he just said anyhow they were gonna to get me used to all of this. What am I gonna do though? I can't just pretend things are alright all the time. I sighed then got up and knocked on the front door of the house preparing myself for either punishment or congratulatory thank god your home speech.

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