Chapter 24,

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“Morning beautiful.” I heard someone whisper in my ear. I rolled over hoping to go back sleep. I heard a familiar laugh then the person started to talk again “oh come on, get up princess.”

“I'm not a princess.” I said, my voice coated with sleep and muffled from my face in my pillow. “You look like one.” He said back. “You’re so funny, Collin.” I told him sarcastically while rolling away from him. The room fell silent and next thing I knew my blanket was being ripped from me. “Mmmmmm!” I groaned in protest. Collin picked me up and set me in his lap. I let my hands rest on his chest while he held me by the waist. I nuzzled closer to him trying to get warm again. I pulled my booties [that were falling off] up and pulled the sleeves of Collins sweater down so they covered my hands. Then I wrapped my arms around Collins neck. I could feel myself starting to fall back asleep. He gently brushed the pieces of hair that were scattered across my face away.  I always went to bed with my hair pulled up into a messy bun or ponytail. “Don’t fall asleep!” Collin protested

My eyes fluttered open and I looked at him “why?” I said my voice just above a whisper. “Because baby.” He said while gently stroking my cheek. I let out an exaggerated sigh and crawled out of his lap. “Hey!” he said while standing up and grabbing me then pulled me into his arms. “You’re going to make me fall asleep again.” I told him. He smiled and lightly kissed my nose.

I scrunched my face up and he laughed. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth, helping me wake up a bit. I padded down the stairs, into the living room where Collin and my mom chatted. I stretched and sat down my next to him, cuddling into his side. Collin smiled at me and stood up. He looked at my mom and she nodded. “Let’s go, aria.” He said while grabbing my hand to pull me up. “Go where? I’m not even dressed.” I said while looking down at my oversized sweater and booties. “So, let’s go.” He said while starting to drag me towards the door. “I’m not going out in public looking like this!” is aid trying to get him to stop dragging me. He just shrugged his shoulders and pulled on his shoes. He took my hand in his and opened the door. “Come on.” He said while stepping outside. The way he had my hand he kind of pulled me out of the house. I pulled the door closed behind me.

“I’ll ruin my slippers.” I told him, trying to get out of going where ever we were going. He smiled at me and scooped me up into his arms, bride style. He carried me down the stairs and opened the car door then set me in the passenger seat. He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek then closed my door. He climbed into the driver’s seat and started to drive. “Where are we going?” I asked. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I frowned and looked out the window.

Collin grabbed my hand, and I didn’t object. “Will you please tell me where were going.” I asked quietly. “I really want to, but… no.” he taunted. I stuck my tongue out at him and he quickly glanced at me. He pulled over to the side of the road and I gave him a confused look. “What are we doing?” I asked for what seemed like the five millionth time. He just shook his head and I groaned in frustration. “Don’t get mad.” He said while quickly kissing my cheek. Then he reached in the back seat and pulled out a blind fold. “Is this really necessary?” I asked. “Yes, it is very necessary!” he said childishly. I sighed and turned so he could tie the blindfold. When the blindfold was tied he pressed his lips to mine then started to drive again.

I felt the car slow to a stop and the engine turn off. He got out of the car then opened my door. He helped me unbuckle my seat belt and helped me out of the car. He wrapped one arm around my waist and twined out hands together with the other. “Collin…” I started. “Shh, trust me.” He said.

We started to walk and my free hand was in front of me feeling for something that I could run into.  “How far do we have to walk?” I asked. “Just a little longer.” He promised.

We stopped walking. “Collin-" I started but he cut me off with his lips on mine. It was a quick kiss but a lot of passion behind it. I opened my mouth to speak but he started taking the blindfold off. “Close your eyes.” He told me when the blindfold was off.

“Open your eyes.” He told me when his arms were tight around my waist. I opened one eye then the other. We were standing in a bird cage type gazebo at the top of a hill. To the left was a huge towering oak tree and looking straight out was the water. I looked at Collin and untwined him from me. I turned around still very confused. He took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together like he was trying to shake nerves. People were walking by and some stared. It felt kind of weird standing in the middle of the park in my pajamas.

Collin ran his fingers through his hair and took another deep breath. I looked at him confusingly and he smiled quickly. He reached into his back pocket and got down on one knee “will you go to the dance with me?” he asked while pulling a rose out.

At first I was a little shocked but the shock quickly wore off. Collin held my gaze. I took a deep breath and sat on his knee, wrapping one arm around his neck and using the other to take the rose. “Of course.” I told him. He smiled and kissed me. “But all of this wasn’t necessary.” I told him, not taking my lips too far away from his. “Oh but it was.” he said while pecking my lips.

“That’s so cute.” An old lady said a bit too loud while trying to get the old man who she was holding hands with too look at us. I jumped a little. Collin smiled and got up, pulling him up with me.

“Why would I say no, Collin?” I asked. “I don’t know.” he said quietly. “Why do you get so nervous when you ask me stuff?” I asked, being serious. He took a deep breath “because” he stopped, pulled me into his arms “because there are so many guys out there and-“ I cut him off  “and what? None of them are you? None of them keep me on my toes like you do? None of them know exactly what to say just when I need them to say it?” I said. “I love you.” Was all he said? “I love you too.” I said.

“Can we go home now so I can change out of my pajamas?” I said awkwardly as we stood in the tiny gazebo. He nodded and kissed my cheek. I twisted the rose in my hand and lifted it up to my nose so I could smell it. I smiled and climbed into Collins car.

A smile was imprinted on my face the rest of the day.

When we had gotten back to my place, Collin carried me inside which I told him wasn’t necessary but he insisted. When we got inside I went into the kitchen and dug around until I found a slim vase. My mom came in and patted Collin on the back. So that was what they were talking about this morning. Makes sense. I carefully filled the vase with water then centered it on the counter.


Friday seemed ions away. I thought it would never get here. It was almost Halloween and we were still wearing shorts but the sweaters had come out. I stared out the window of the classroom and watched a leaf gently float to the ground. Three more days I told myself. I squirmed in my seat just thinking about it. This week was passing by so slowly, and Collin had football practise after school so I couldn’t see him.

all i could think about was collin and friday night.

when i got home i sat down at the table and started doing homework.

about an hour into doing my homework my phone beeped

*new text*

From: Collin

3 more days ;)



Okay so I was going to include the prom in this chapter but I really needed to update and I thought that it might be a bit too much:$

Sorry for the wait. I am crazy busy with homework and school and I am going half crazy! I should be studying for my science test right now but I really wanted to get this up! So here it is! Next chapter will be the prom!!  what did you think?

okay i edited this chapter and toook a lot out!!

tell me what you think:)

Comment below!

i also changed my username! and teh ocver! do you like?




Thanks J J

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