Chapter 1.

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        Their words of hatred echoed through the quiet house. I cupped my hands to my ears to drown out their yells but it didn't work. I closed my eyes hoping to sleep off whatever argument they were having. I was on the verge of sleep when I heard something shatter. The noise seemed to explode through the house.

        I shot up out of bed and tore open the door. The thing that scared me the most was that after I heard the smash my mother had stopped yelling. When I ran into the kitchen I saw the broken plate smashed on the ground. My mom was backed up and slightly trembling. I could tell she was terrified but there was hate in my dad’s eyes.

        My mom was just so small and frail.I couldn't stand by and let my father do this "what the HELL!?" I said in a calm voice to my father. He turned to me and before I knew it I felt the back of his hand connect with my cheek. The impact of his slap was so strong.

        I fell backwards into the fridge and slid down into a sitting position. Instantly my hand flew to my cheek but I was in too much shock to cry about it. My mom looked at me and froze for a few seconds before she turned back to my father.

“GET.OUT.OF.MY.HOUSE!" she screamed gathering all the courage she could find. He smiled smugly, spun on the balls of his feet and stormed out of the house. My mom took a deep breath and started to cry. She sat down beside me and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so sorry." she said, her voice a bit shaky. I stared blankly at the wall for a minute then stood up and went into my room, the shock still in control.


        When I woke up I stared into the mirror across from my bed and saw the big black and blue bruise on my cheek bone. That’s when it all dawned on me, what had happened last night. Instantly tears stung my eyes threatening to spill. Shakily, I got up and locked my door so no one could get in. I laid back down on my bed and started crying. Not crying but bawling.

        He never hit me before, my dad. We did so much together. My mother came up and tried to get me to come out of my room but I refused. After a few tries my mom finally gave up. I stayed the way I was all day. I just couldn't believe my own father would hit me.I was lost in a world of disbelief. I heard another knock on the door but this one wasn't my mothers, it was more rough, more strength behind it.

        "Aria, please let me in." I heard a deep voice. It wasn't my fathers. It was Collins. My best friend since I was five. I wanted to get up and unlock the door but I didn't have the strength. He knew how to open the door though. I told him when we were little. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to gather myself but I couldn’t.

        “Can I come in?" my best friend asked in a loving tone.I wanted to scream yes, I wanted to scream please come in and save me from myself. But I couldn’t, I only cried harder. I pulled the blankets closer to my already warm body when I heard the handle on the door open and a little click. He still remembered how to unlock the door.

        I wanted to smile and be happy but I couldn't. I shifted slightly trying to wrap myself up in even more blankets. I -once again- stared blankly at the wall. He came in quietly, shutting the door behind him and sat at the end of my bed.

        “Aria...” he started softly but I moved again so he couldn't see m., I pressed my face into my pillow and I could feel him get off my bed. Then I heard him really close. I looked up from my pillow. There he was crouching right next to me.

        "Please talk to me." Collin softly cooed in my ear. I didn't respond. After a minute he let out a loud dramatic sigh and stood up.Next thing I knew two strong arms were picking up my tiny body and I was being placed in his lap. Immediately I relaxed and rested my head on his chest. This was a normal thing for us. Sometimes we acted like a couple but we weren't and honestly, sometimes I wish we were even after he had left...anyways, he wrapped his arms around me.

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