Chapter 33.

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“Moooooooommmmmyyyyyy!!!!!!! Can we get a dog, PLEASEEEEE?” I wine.

“Aria, we’ve been through this. We don’t have room for a dog.” My mom explained sympathetically. I let my head drop and my shoulders sag. Better luck next time.


“Hey, mom. You know I love you, right?” I asked shyly while sliding into a bar stool. She turned around and looked at me.

“What do you want?” he asked knowing me.

I chuckled lightly “you’re so funny mom! How do you know I want something?”

“Because you’re you…” she responded.

“Okay… well, remember when I was little and asked for a dog and you said we don’t have any room… well we have lots of room now!” I said with smile.

“You really still want a dog?” she asked.

I nodded my head enthusiastically.

“What type of dog would we even get?” she asked, pressing it further.


We pulled into the narrow drive way and drove back towards the farm. I was jumping in my seat. Today was the day we were getting our Australian Shepard [Aussie]. My mom parked the truck and we got out. I could hear the horses’ hooves stomping into the ground.

A tall lady with tan skin started to walk our way. “I take it you’re the one that’s going to be taking one of my puppies.”

I smiled bigger and nodded my head.

“Well, follow me then!”

We followed her into the barn, in one of the stalls there was a big Aussie with eight puppies crowded around her.

“Awwwe!” I gushed out while kneeling to pet one of the puppies.


“This is your new home Cali! And Mike will be home from work soon. You already met mommy and me, of course. And you still have to meet Collin! And when you get bigger we can go running!” I gushed to the small puppy that was nuzzled in my arms.

On the way home we had stopped at the pet store and got Cali some food and a new bed and a pretty pink collar with a bandana for her little neck. We got the basic things to keep a puppy entertained. Toys and allJ

I set the little animal down on the ground. She looked a little shocked. Like she didn’t know what to do with herself. She took one step then froze. Her big eyes stared up at me. She let out a tiny whine. I smiled and bent down on one knee to get closer to her. She walked over to me and put her paws on my knee to support her. She let out a high pitched bark and wagged her tail.

I popped up and went to go find her new collar and handkerchief. After rummaging through a plastic bag for a few moments, I had pulled out all the contents and had them scattered randomly on the table. While I took the price tag off Cali was jumping up on my leg pawing at me, begging for my attention.

I knelt back down and fastened the pink collar around her neck. She barked in happiness. I then tied the red and black around her neck as well.

“Cali! You look BOOTIFUL!” I gapped at her. She barked in response. I scooped her up in my arms and rubbed her side.

Cali had beautiful fur. There were patches of white and black and brown. And there were some parts where the white and black mixed making an ashy color.

But the thing I loved most about her was her two different colored eyes. One was a vibrant blue and the other was a mellow green. I truly loved her eyes.

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