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Fred and George Weasley were sat at the kitchen table, writing lines for none other than doing something mischievous as always. They were playing around in their father's car, not quite yet about to take it for a ride, but they were definitely planning on it, Fred's idea initially. However, plans changed when their mother caught them from the garden and started yelling at them, saying how reckless they were and stuff like that before sending them inside to write 'I will not touch dad's car ever again' 50 times. However, The twins writing got interrupted after hearing someone enter the house through the fireplace.

George gulped, "You don't think mum told dad to come home from work early because of this, do you?"

Fred shrugged, having the same exact daunting thought, "I'll go check!"

"No, I'll go check!" George insisted, but the twins decided to settle their little dispute with a quick game of stone-cloak-wand. The first few times the twins both held up the same symbol, signaling a tie. A couple more later and they finally had something different as George did the sign for the invisibility cloak while Fred did the sign for the elderly wand.

"Ha, I won!" Fred laughed, checking out who it was the entered their house. It was only a second later when the older of the twins returned, panic having completely taken over him, "Mum's gone mad, she sent professor Snape!"

George jumped up, unsure of why their mother would do such a thing, "You don't think she's sending us back early to be with that dodgy knob-head do you?"

"Weasley's, is your mother around?" Severus sneered, wanting the twins to know he heard what they had said. Not that he truly cared though, but he just hoped this would make them think twice before throwing insults out like that.

Before Fred and George had a chance to answer, the door swung open. It was Ron, who was running from Ginny as they were playing hide-and-seek and the boy had yet to find a good hiding place. The silly game vanished from his mind whenever his saw his very best friend, and his face lit up with joy as he ran over to give him a tight embrace, "Harry!"

Harry whimpered, not expecting it to physically hurt this much and by reflex withdrew from the hug practically right away. He quickly replaced the hurt look on his face with a huge grin, truly happy to see his friend, "Ron, how have you been mate?"

Severus took note of Potter and now realized that regardless of what the child had said before, he definitely was hurt just as he initially expected and the professor was sure to address him about it later and if possible, heal any injuries as well. Snape had hoped that it wasn't anything too serious, which he expected if it was then he wouldn't have been able to hide it for as long as he did. Nonetheless whatever mistreatment the Dursley's did, it was unacceptable and Snape was sure that they would never see the boy again.

"She's outside." George stated, answering Professor Snape's question rather late after having been distracted by his little brother.

"By the garden!" Fred added quickly right as the door closed with Severus out the door.

"What is that old greasy git doing here?" Ron scrunched up his nose, never liking Snape who always seemed to not be too fond of him either. Constantly taking away their house points and only ever seeming to praise his Slytherins, those grimy snakes, "Harry he didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, Ron." He stated truthfully, "I honestly don't know why he brought me here though."

"We know." The twins cried in unison. Fred then started, "Mum sent Snape," George then continued, "To take us away as well."

"But why would mum do that?" Ron asked, "and why did Snape take you away, Harry? Where are you guys going?"

"I told you, I don't know." Harry explained, understanding very little of what was going on, "but I don't think he's here for you, Fred and George. He's here about something else."

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