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Summer was really dwindling down as there was just one day before school, which Harry remained with the Weasley's all that week without seeing Professor Snape's face again since the night he gave him potion for his injuries, which hasn't caused him any trouble at all.

Severus still couldn't believe he somehow had the responsibility of looking after Potter. Wasn't rescuing him from his relatives enough? Did he really have to be his guardian on top of everything else. He just had to keep reminding himself that it was something temporary. After all, it couldn't last forever.

All professors were already back at Hogwarts (preparing for their students arrival along with setting things up in their classrooms for the next year of their lives), and the headmaster walked into to the potion class, "Well, did you tell the boy yet?" Albus asked, already having a feeling of what his most trusted ally's answer would be.

Severus just scoffed, "Of course not. I intend not to tell anyone, not even the brat."

The elderly wizard cleared his throat, "Severus, you are going to have to tell him eventually. You and I both know that sooner would be better in the long run. After all, Harry doesn't even know where his home is when he's not at school anymore."

"Well lucky for me I don't have to tell him until the school year is over." He stated, as Potter never left the building for holidays anyways. Only whenever it was mandatory for summer break, "and by then, he should have his permanent home in place."

"Severus, he can't be left in the dark on all of this. He does deserve to know." Albus reasoned.

"Fine, I suppose I will tell him when the time is right. However, I am sure he'd much rather not know than find out that he's under my care anyway." He stated, as he knew it was true. Neither one seemed to care for each other's presence, so Severus knew it couldn't possibly work out, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to run a quick errand."

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"Better get ready, Harry. Mum's taking us to get our school books today." Ron stated, as he was nearly ready himself.

Soon enough all of the Weasley's (and Harry of course) were gathered downstairs in the living room, prepared to travel by floo to Diagon Alley. It was something that Harry only ever did once, with Snape. He never actually did it by himself before though, so he was nervous.

It didn't help with all of the instructions he was receiving from each of the Weasley's either...

You must always say where you're going,
But speak very clear,
Keep your elbows tucked in,
Be sure to close your eyes shut tightly,
Don't fidget,
Wait until you see Fred and George before leaving!

It was a lot to take in and well one of the most important piece of advice he received is what messed him up. How could he possibly speak clearly after hearing all of that?! The moment the words escaped his lips, everyone knew that he wouldn't be found in that location. He coughed, "D-Dia-gon Alley."

Green sparks flashed before his eyes and the second he opened them he flew out of an old dusty fireplace, covered in dirt. He let out a couple coughs as he reached for his glasses, that appeared to be cracked on the right lens. As he stood up, he got a good view of the entire place, which looked as if it were abandoned. This definitely wasn't Diagon Alley.

Skulls seemed to be everywhere in in the room, sending shivers down the boys spine. He walked a few steps observing all of the creepy things surrounding him and stopped in front of a Skelton hand. Out of curiosity, Harry decided to touch the thing only to have his hand grabbed and crushed. The boy pulled back in a panic, struggling some before finally being relieved to have his hand free.

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