Chapter 11

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Abhi saw boy and got shocked. Boy was non other than senior who bullied Sid

Boy: What the-

He stopped as he saw Sid decoding his assignment. Boy got shocked

Boy (sitting beside sid): How do you know to solve it?
Sid (busy in decoding): I don't know
Boy: Okay! Teach me how to do it. Today is my test
Sid: Yesss....
Boy: Wait! Let me restart the topic and teach me from start. You have already done 40%
Sid (leaving his laptop): Okay!
Boy: Will you teach my friend as well?
Abhi: Umm.....

Boy looked at abhi

Boy (pleasingly): Please... these tests are countable in final results
Abhi: Okay! Me and my friends on table beside. If you hurt my brother. I swear I will ask principal to suspend you
Boy: Promise I won't. We need help for today's test. Just that

Abhi nodded. Abhi, Adrita and Shreya sat on beside table. Both the boys who were bullying Sid yesterday. Sid is teaching them today. He was enjoying it alot. Abhi's gaze was stuck on Sid only in case boys will bully him. He shared about Sid's condition with Shreya and Adrita as well

Someone came and stood in front of Abhi

Abhi (rolling his eyes): What the hell Sumu? Move aside
Sumedh: Dude! We are meeting after so long no hi and hello. You found my bhabhi or what?
Adrita: Stop with your PJ's sumu. Come sit

Sumedh shrugged his shoulders and sat beside Abhi

Abhi: Where the hell you went without informing us?
Sumedh: Family trip to Manali. It planned so sudden that I couldn't inform

They four continued chit chat but time to time abhi was looking at Sid as well. After few minutes. Sid completed with his work. Adrita saw him standing up

Adrita: Abhi, I guess Sid's work done now

Abhi looked at him and nodded. He went to boys table

Boy: Thanks bruh!!

Sid smiled widely. Abhi stood beside Sid

Abhi: Come Sid now let's go on seat and have your juice

He went with abhi. Boys left. Sid sat on table where abhi with his friends was sitting

Sumedh (shocked): You found your brother?
Shreya (shocked): He told you but not us?
Adrita (glaring): Abhi
Sumedh: No.... I saw his photos with his brother. So I asked aunty and she said abhi have twin brother who is missing now. Anyways (Forwarding his hand to Sid): Hey I am Sumedh. Abhi's friend

Sid looked at Abhi not knowing what to do

Abhi (held sid's habd): He is Siddharth, my Twin brother and Champ, he is my friend Sumedh
Sid (counting on his finger): Shreya, Adrita, Sumedh. 3 friends. Gem has 3 friends. Gautam. 1 friend. I have 1 friend
Adrita: Sid, we are your friends as well
Sid (smiling): Promise?
Shreya: Yesss.....
Abhi: Guys, I need to submit documents in principal's cabin. Sid stay here with Sumedh Shreya and Adrita. I will be back in few minutes. You complete your juice. Gautam will be here any moment

Sid nodded. Abhi took his bag and left. In way he got message from Vibha for Sid's appointment in evening. Vibha has booked it

With Sid. Sumedh, Shreya and Adrita was having chit chat. Sid completed his juice and silently sat there

Sumedh: Sid let's go to washroom?

Sid looked at Sumedh and nodded. Sid and Sumedh left. Both went in washroom. Sumedh received call and went with flow. He forgot about Sid and left from there

Sid stucked alone in crowded corridor. He don't know where to go! He stop there only

Few minutes later. Bell rang. With Girls

Shreya: Let's go
Adrita: Sid?
Shreya: He is with Sumu. They will come in class

Adrita nodded and went to class but before entering. They spotted Sumedh in class. Lecture was already there. Rather than entering Adrita pull Shreya silently and stood sideway from class

Adrita: Sid isn't in class. Sumedh is
Shreya: Sid must be in washroom then

Both ran to washroom but they stood at entrance as they can't enter in boys washroom

Shreya: Now what to do?
Adrita: Abhi is with principal we can't call him. Sumedh is in lecture nor we can call him


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