Chapter 12

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Shreya and Adrita was standing outside Boys washroom. They both were really worried for Sid

Adrita: Shreya, we can't stand here for whole day
Shreya: What we can do? We can't go in boys washroom, Sid's condition isn't good. So leaving alone isn't chance. Abhi is in principal cabin. We can't call him and Sumedh is in lecture. Nor we can call him. Lastly Gautam, he isn't in college nor we have his contact number

With Abhi. After meeting principal he went to canteen but found no one there

Abhi: Lecture already started. Everyone must be in class. Shreya and Adrita must be with Sid

He went to class but as before entering. He looked around in class and found Sumedh only

Abhi's pov: Where is Sid, Shreya and Adrita?

Lecturer saw him

Lecturer: Yes?
Abhi (nervous): I guess I am in wrong class. Sorry ma'am

He left from there before lecturer could say anything. He went away from class and took out his phone. Just then Gautam came there

Gautam (concerned): Abhi, where is Sid?
Abhi (saw gautam): He is with Shreya and Adrita

Gautam nodded in confusion as he saw abhi was calling someone. Abhi called Shreya. She received call in two rings. Call Conversation

Abhi: Guys where are you?
Shreya (sighed in relief): Abhi come to washroom area now. Me and Adrita are waiting for you only
Abhi: Hmm

Abhi hangs up the call

Gautam: What happened?
Abhi: They are in washroom area
Gautam: Alright. Let's go
Abhi: You go and attend lecture. I am coming in few minutes with Sid and girls
Gautam: Lets go
Abhi: Alright

Abhi and Gautam quickly went there. They saw girls was standing there

Gautam: Where is Sid?
Adrita: He is in washroom
Gautam (shocked): Alone?

Shreya nodded. Gautam ran inside. Abhi too went behind. Both came out of washroom fully worried

Gautam (worried): Sid isn't here. Where is he?
Shreya: We don't know. He and Sumedh went to washroom when we were in canteen. After that we saw Sumedh in class but did wasn't there
Gautam (worried): Who is Sumedh?
Abhi: He is my friend but he is in lecture now. So I can't talk with him now
Gautam (frustrated): Abhishek, how can you be so irresponsible? You know very well about Sid's condition. How can you live him alone like this? You took his responsibility Abhishek (He shout on last words)

Abhi looked down. Tears roll down on his cheeks. Flashbacks of his childhood when Someone took Sid and went away was playing in his mind. He was feared to loose Sid again because of his mistake

Gautam (took deep breath): We need to search for him. Let's search everywhere

They all went in search of Sid. Near the corridors. They heard shouts and ran in that direction. They saw a professor was shouting on Sid. Whereas, Sid was sitting in corridor with the support of pillar, pulling his legs near his chest and hiding his face. He was sobbing violently

Professor (Shout): This is last warning. If you didn't listen

Gautam ran to Sid and Sat on knees in his front

Gautam (caressing sid's hair): Sid... Sid look at me
Sid (violently sobbing): No..... No..... I don't want... I don't want
Abhi (sitting in front of Sid): Hey, Champ

Sid quickly looked at Abhi and hug him tight. He started crying even more

Abhi (rubbing his back): Champ... Calm down. Calm down

Abhi was handling Sid. Gautam explained professor. Professor left. After few minutes finally Sid calm down. Abhi broke the hug

Abhi (keeping palm on Sid's neck): You have fever champ
Gautam: Abhishek, you should take Sid home

Abhi nodded. They all went in parking. Abhi make Sid sit in Car

Gautam: Don't ask him what happened with him in corridor like that. He don't remember anything in which moments he was panicked. Like Nightmare, this incident. It's his 2nd panick that's why he has fever. So please take care
Abhi (joining his hands): Thanks for helping everytime and in evening mom took appointment from psychologist for Sid
Gautam: That's really great. He need it and I am sorry for behaving rude with you.  I was so worried. I am sorry
Abhi: It's Okay. Byee
Gautam: If you need any help let me know

Abhi nodded. Sidshek left for home and Gautam with girls went home


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