0.2- lovers entwined

8 0 0

song: lovers rock- tv girl

read with enjoyment this is pure fluff, nothing really happens but it made me happy writing it


eddie rummaged through Sonia kaspbraks nightstand, wondering where she had hidden the tube of lip gloss she had caught him applying to his lips with a small mirror, sat on his bed.

his heart nearly stopped when he saw her walk in, averting his eyes from his thin, glossy lips in the mirror. she snatched it right off him, her long nails scratching his hand 'thats for girls eddie-bear, dont use it again' she said walking out with a huff.

eddie shook his head at the thought, pulling the tube of lip gloss out of his mothers drawer and retreating to his bedroom. once again he sat on his bed and grabbed the tiny mirror.

he lathered the thick, soft pink gloss onto his lips smiling as he did so completely ignoring the fact that he was destroying his mothers wishes, it was unfair that she was determined on barring him from his self expression.

when he was satisfied, he put the tube in his stash; a broken floorboard that he stored special things in, a ring from richie (when he wasn't wearing it) and the locket mike had given him in. a silver locket, with all of the losers inside of it. eddie was determined to keep it in good condition when he got it for his fourteenth, to this day the surface has never gotten a scratch on it.

he smiled at the items placing the lip gloss into a plastic bag and putting it into the small nook carefully before grabbing his ring and putting the floorboard back, placing the rug back over it.

he put the ring on his middle finger and grabbed his yellow jacket before running down the stairs and flying out of the door luckily his mother would not be home until saturday so he was in the clear for now.

he mounted his bike and started the short journey to the skate park, where the boy would find the one, the only, richie tozier, his boyfriend. eddie was quite unsure what possessed richie to drag him outside on a tuesday night, but he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see richie.

eddies eyes landed on richie, struggling to do a trick on the new skateboard bev had gotten him his hair in a wavy, beautiful mess of curls. he whistled, the boy loosing his balance and coming off of his skateboard with a thud. there was silence as eddie got off of his bike and kicked the stand up.

richie ajusted himself chuckling as he stood up, his eyes meeting with eddies as he approached him.

'i don't believe we've met good sir' richie said in a terrible accent, tipping his invisible top-hat, eddie rolled his eyes kissing him on the cheek.

'now tell me, what was so important that i had to come out here at-' he paused cheaking his watch '11:42 at night, tozier.' eddie said smirking. 'i mean. Its tuesday ya know?' eddie finished.

richie smiled like an idiot "i just missed my dear eds and his yellow jacket!" he exclaimed retreving his skateboard from the bushes.

'annnd-' he stalled 'im going to teach you how to skate!' richie exclaimed.

'i brought gear, armpads, kneepads, all of it. because i knew you wouldn't do it unless we had gear'

eddie giggled "wow tozier. you have skating gear?"

"yup" richie replyed as he strapped the kneepads onto eddies knees, being richies kneepads, they took up more room on the shorter boys leg, and he had to fasten it tighter for the small boy. He did the same for the armpads.

'all those bruises and scrapes you got? all for you to actually have skating gear?' eddie deadpanned.

'yup!' gotta prepare to fall off now and then!'

'hop on' richie said the street light illuminating his pale face, freckles lacing the beautiful skin, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as he smiled.

eddie held onto richies shoulders as he put two feet on the skateboard carefully.

'richie this is scary' eddie said wobbling.

richie held eddies hips and eddie put his hands on richies shoulders for balance.

'wait, oh my god im taller than you on this' Eddie exlaimed looking down, only slightly at richie. the differnce wasn't really that much, but alot to eddie.

richie looked up at him smiling, 'don't get too used to it eds' he said keeping his eyes set on eddies.

eddie leaned his head down slightly to kiss him, the streetlight illuminating the two people who were seemingly one, just in love.

'you aren't a short ass anymore, haven't ever been kissed like this huh?' richie said, kissing him once again, this is the one and only time richie was the one having to crane his neck up to get to eddie.

'okay, time for me to actually learn huh?'

'fine' richie said, smiling.

eddie practiced for a good hour, getting on and off, falling a few times, although richies arm stayed behind his back and hovered there in case he happened to fall back instead of foward (i know how this sounds. please shut up)

'okay, rich. i think you can let go now' eddie insisted as he simply wanted to try on his own, his independence shining through.

eddie could skate pretty well by the time richie had taught him everything he knew.

'you're a natural eds!' richie exclaimed as eddie
jumped off of the skateboard laughing .

'i can skate!' eddie exlaimed proudly.

the rest of the night was like some sort of indie movie, the two exploring the whole town, getting food at the seven eleven, admiring the small town of derry at night.

eddie didn't ever picture himself doing something like this, he was very much barred from the world as a child, so now that he was freely exploring it he felt feelings of rebellion and exhilaration.

after their adventures, richie walked eddie home, eddie holding his bike as they talked and laughed.

'here we are eds.' richie said softly.

'rich, i don't even wanna give you the praise cause i know how you are, but this has got to have been one of the best nights of my life'

richie smiled, his cheeks going red. 'it was fun eds, it would've been shit if you weren't there'

eddie nodded. 'see ya richie'

'bye eds' richie said pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

eddie watched him walk away until he was out of sight.

until the end- a small collection of reddie oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن