Poem 33

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How Does It Feel?

How does it feel to say you are okay when you are not?
How does it feel to draw a blissful fake smile infront—
Of people who seem to care but incapable to understand?
I never know the feels of refusing promising ears and helping hands.

I had been sleeping alone on my bed just to skip this melancholy.
Daydreaming, sketching what seems to be a beautiful story.
I had been walking alone across the road amidst the freezing breeze.
Indulging aloneness despite of shivering fingers, lips and knees.

So tell me, how does it feel to say you are okay when you are not?
I never knew how it's like, for no one has ever asked me if I'm okay or not.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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