SIKE but fr help me

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I've realized that I am missing one of my drafts. I have around twenty six drafts, so you may argue that Wattpad deleted it after I haven't touched it in a while. You could also say that I deleted them myself, but I am a damn hoarder, and I know damn well that I could never delete a book that had actual writing. If anything, I'd delete it, and then store it in the X Reader drafts (Except for that one actually Bendy X Reader story...Damn, I know it must have been shit, but it really is gone now)

The book in question is actually an Eddsworld book. An Edd X Reader to be more exact. It did have a bit of Tord X Reader action too, but I don't recall too well. I don't even recall if it had an actual title? I know the cover was some pastel diner aesthetic that was either green, or pink.

The book in question was centered around the Reader working at a diner sort of place when the Eddsworld gang decide to eat there. Tord, and Edd take a bit of liking to the Reader and one of them(don't remember who) asks Reader for her number. Now, I can't remember whether it was Tord who asked or if Tord stole the number from Edd, but Tord ended up calling the Reader or something. Then there is also some cheesy crap where it's raining one day, and the Reader, now being able to leave work, has to walk home because her dumbass doesn't carry a jacket. Thankfully, Edd is a savior and hands her his jacket. Then I don't remember anything about the book.

I want to say I had this book published for a while before unpublishing it as I deemed it as a unfinished project that'll never get finished lmao

I actually wrote this fanfic in the same journal that I wrote Watch Me Fly (SonTails fanfic) in, so I had to have written this around 2017?

Anyway, I'll definitely try looking for it. The only reason I cared for this fanfic so much was because this fanfic actually had ART for almost every chapter I think. I remember a piece of art with Reader on the phone with Tord, so this is true.

Please lmk if you've read this book before and have any screenshots of the art because unlike the actual story that I can go look for in my room, the art is just straight up gone because I never backed it up or anything

( I rllllly hope that I actually published this and not just imagined that I published when I actually left it as a draft)

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