DR: Day 27

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I did one of of thoze at home tests and it came negative so Im gonna actually go out n get tested Mabe

Also, im like halfway done with the Nagito cut out !!!!

Also, im like halfway done with the Nagito cut out !!!!

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I like to think of Himiko with a lot of development. Hiyoko too. And also kinda Shuichi? I think he did but honestly I didn't really pay attention to him, even if I WAS HIM.

Himiko makes more sense cause she uhh lived longer than Hiyoko 😬😬😬

Himiko used to be this lazy piece of shit who wouldn't deny her tricks weren't really magic. (So mean I know 😢😢) I honestly really didn't like her 😬😬 I love Tenko so much and I liked that she protected Himiko a lot of time, but damn was Himiko dumb as hell 😭😭

Like, when Himiko took refuge in Angie, just because she needed someone else to think for her. This probably made me hate Himiko even more because I really didn't like Angie either. I still don't really like Angie now, but she's kinda awesome as hell now that I think about, like, breaking the flashback light thing was EXTREMELY big brain. Having no motivation to leave would def make everyone not kill, and that's very big brain, but enough about Angie.

After Tenko, and Angie's death, Himiko didn't really have anyone to help her anymore. I mean, I guess Shuichi and the rest, but Tenko and Angie were the closest to her. Himiko then starts being hopeful, and more active as she kinda decided to live on, for the sake of Angie and Tenko (least I think that's how it went) I actually did kinda like Himiko a little bit after that, and now she's a decent character in my book 😃😃

As for Hiyoko, I don't remember how I originally thought about her. I think that I thought she was kinda annoying, but I didn't really pay attention to her. Hiyoko is a character I like, but her development didn't really change my opinion of her. Like, it's cool that she started to accept Fuyuhiko, even if Peko killed her best friend/sister figure, and that she just kinda seemed more willing to help

Uh yeah, I think I Himiko had a lot of development 😃😃😃😃 so much so, that I really like her compared to how I felt about her when I first played 😄😄😄

Uh yeah, I think I Himiko had a lot of development 😃😃😃😃 so much so, that I really like her compared to how I felt about her when I first played 😄😄😄

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