pix you connect with

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Y'all ever have a sprite or pic that you literally just feel exactly like? Here are some of the ones I think of whenever I feel that specific emotion lmao

I feel like shin in this pic, not because Mishima or someone is carrying me, but because I am just kinda angry, confused or maybe just flustered. I've never connected with this images but with my current feeling, I knew exactly that I felt like this. He looks pretty embarrassed and covers his mouth, like how I feel thinking about the current, real situation I have with my friend that may result in the destruction of our three year friendship.

This is a similar case to shin, but it's more dependent on the person/character I am fantasying about

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This is a similar case to shin, but it's more dependent on the person/character I am fantasying about. I've never imagined it about a real person, but definitely a fictional character, so that's what I believe this applies to. I think about Shuichi when I fluster my own damn self 😭😭

This one is lil crazy and it's not so much that I am experiencing the same emotion or face as Mikan, but I'm just kinda there

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This one is lil crazy and it's not so much that I am experiencing the same emotion or face as Mikan, but I'm just kinda there. Like Mikan is holding her hands up and really isn't doing anything besides looking at the camera. I could find myself in the same exact position as her

 I could find myself in the same exact position as her

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This is pretty self explanatory. Besides the obvious, I can also feel like it because Jumin doesn't really,,,get super extremely angry?? As far as I remember, he did get annoyed, and expressed distaste often, but he was never actually angry, and in turn, rarely used this emote. It is a similar situation to me but lately, I have been expressing anger more often I think.

There was another one of Yukako from DIU where she had this sort of satisfied face and had a pinky near her mouth

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There was another one of Yukako from DIU where she had this sort of satisfied face and had a pinky near her mouth. It's kinda hard to explain, but I rlly could not find a picture of her looking like this unless I straight up watch every episode with Yukako in it. The feeling I got from that picture was this sort of euphoric bliss. Like I happy, but it felt like almost a dream. I haven't thought of this picture since lasted year, and the first image may have to do with that.

Ik this is kinda stupid but damn I rlly do feel like these!!!!!1!!1!1!1!1 like it is a physical representation of exact emotion !!1!1!1 i don't know how!!1!?!!??! And it like!?!??!? Doesn't even match all the way !?!?!?

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