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VIII Christmas Eve

Fred had approached Rowen multiple times over the past weeks but she ignored him or walked away without a word. She was always with those Durmstrang twins. They talked in Russian and when anyone walked by they lowered their voices. Rowen was obviously keeping a secret. Did it have anything to do with what had happened at Hogsmeade?

Fred passed the package between his hands. It wasn't anything special. He wrote his mother asking for advice on what to get for Rowen and she had been little help. Molly had sent a green sweater with a knit 'R' in silver on the front. There was no way Fred was giving that to Rowen. Instead, he saved a few galleons and bought this. So now he was walking towards the Slytherin common room at eight in the morning on Christmas to give a present to a girl he hadn't talked to in a month.

What was he even thinking? He would stand outside the Slytherin common room door hoping Rowen came out? What kind of plan was that?

Fred stopped across the hall from the door. The door opened and Fred's heart skipped a beat. He shoved the gift into his pocket.


"Pucey." Fred was face to face with the Slytherin Chaser.

Adrian let out a small laugh. "By God man. You two are ridiculous."

"Excuse me?"

"Bishop headed toward your common room with a gift like five minutes ago."


Was this a dumb idea? Rowen couldn't help but get nervous holding the gift in her hand. She ran her thumb along the smooth paper and pulled at the ribbon. Staring at her feet she stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for a bout of confidence to run through her. She doubted that Fred would even want to see her after what she did. It's not like she hadn't wanted to talk to the boy, she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Bishop!" Rowen spun around to see Lee Jordan approaching her.

"Hey, Lee. Do you know where Fred is?"

Lee shrugged. "Not a clue." He looked down at the package in Rowen's hand. "That for him?" Rowen nodded before Lee snatched the present from her hands. "I'll make sure he gets it."

"Alright," Rowen said hiding the bit of disappointment that she wouldn't see the boy's reaction to her gift. 

Rowen turned on her heels and headed toward the Great Hall which was decorated for Christmas. Twelve snow-covered fir trees were adorned with ornaments and thistle. Faux snow that was enchanted to be warm and dry sprinkled from the ceiling. Rowen looked up at the beautifully clear sky that painted the space above her, the stars seemed to be twinkling especially bright. Hogwarts was more crowded over this winter break than usual due to the throwing of the Yule Ball the following night. Rowen twisted the dragon leather bracelet around her wrist as she turned to leave the Great Hall, no longer feeling hungry. 

She headed straight for the girl's lavatory where she would brew a draught integral to her surviving the Yule Ball. Rowen grabbed her cauldron from her hiding spot and reached inside her bag which held the potion's five ingredients. After adding the powdered moonstone she began to stir.

"Hello, Rowen."

Rowen looked up continuing to brew the potion subconsciously. "Hello, Myrtle. How is your Christmas this year?"

"Not good." The girl complained. "No one has gotten me any gifts."

"You know I always get you a gift, Myrtle. Give me a moment to finish brewing this and I'll grab it for you."

Myrtle floated closer to the girl. "What are you brewing?"

"It's a draught of peace. For the ball."

"A draught of peace?" The ghost exclaimed. "Oh if I were going to the ball with a cute boy I would already be at peace."

Philophobia // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now