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X Happy New Year

Fred sat next to a pouting Angelina. Her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned heavily against the back of her chair. Fred pulled at his collar attempting to loosen the choke-hold on his throat. The orchestra played a symphony of classical music that all sounded the same. Fred watched as George and Lee started to break dance to a violin solo. 

"Do you want to dance?" Fred asked Angelina.

Angelina looked back at him with a scowl on her face. "No."

"Okay," Fred said raising his eyebrows and wiping his palms on his trousers.

Angelina sighed. "I'm sorry that was horrible of me. It's just- I'd rather dance with George."

The couple both looked toward Fred's brother who was now stepping on Lee's feet as the pair attempted to slow dance. 

"George? Like my identical twin brother George?"

"There's just some quality about George you don't possess. I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Is it his third nipple?"

Angelina scoffed. "George doesn't have a third nipple!"

"I was just joking Angelina. I'm just confused as to why you would like the inferior Weasley twin."

Angelina rolled her eyes before walking away with a huff. Fred's arms crossed over his chest. His eyes wandered to the dance floor where he saw Rowen Bishop dancing with that Irish git. Barry's hands were placed delicately at her waist, which was adorned with an emerald green lace that reminded Fred of the lawn of his house in late spring. Rowen was like the flowers that bloomed. She looked stunning with her dark hair curled and cascading down her back. As Barry spun the girl Fred couldn't help but smile. She was wearing the necklace. His necklace. 

It was as if everything except Rowen disappeared. She looked up and smiled at Fred, beckoning for him to come closer. Fred took a step toward her until she was so close he could see the tiniest details of her features. She took his hand and they started to dance despite there being no music. They were completely alone. The space in which they danced was void of distraction. Rowen leaned her head against Fred's chest and the boy noticed the familiar smell of ginger and roses. His robes no longer felt suffocating. 

Barry froze, snapping Fred out of his imagination. He grabbed Rowen's wrist and they rushed into the castle. Fred immediately stood to follow them when he was grabbed from both sides.

"Brother!" George exclaimed dragging Fred toward the punch table.

"I don't know what they put in this stuff but it is amazing," Lee said referring to the punch. "I have never felt so calm."

Fred laughed at the thought of Lee and his brother ever being calm. "I'm sure it's great Lee. I'm pretty beat so I think I'm going to head back to the common room."

George scoffed. "When did you get so boring?"

Fred elbowed his brother in the side, causing him to lose his grip on Fred's arm. "I told you I didn't want to drink tonight. Can I not enjoy a party sober?"

George and Lee looked at each other before bursting out into a fit of laughter giving Fred a chance to slip away and into the castle. 

The boy's steps echoed through the halls which were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Fred walked towards the stairs which descended to the dungeons, assuming that's where the girl would be. As he rubbed his sweaty palms dry on his trousers he spotted her, as beautiful as ever, walking slowly down the hall, no Barry in sight.

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