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IV. The Bathroom

Rowen awoke on Saturday morning to a slight chill in the air. She sat up and for a few seconds, she felt happy, until she remembered what happened the night before. She groaned and pressed a pillow to her face, plopping onto her back. All she wanted was to go back to bed and never get up again. Her mind raced, thinking of her mother, of Barry, of George, and of Fred. She groaned again, thinking about the potion she would make later that day. She knew it wouldn't work, despite her exquisite potion skills.

Rowen slowly moved the pillow from her face and willed herself to get up. The girl scoffed at her mother's letter sitting on the nightstand and abruptly threw it in the trashcan. She got dressed and made her way towards the Great Hall for breakfast.


"No," Rowen said turning around to face Fred and George Weasley. "Can't a girl get some breakfast before being bothered by you insufferable gits?" Both twins placed a hand over their hearts, feigning offense. "What do you want?"

"We only want what we've been promised," George said.

"A brilliant potion brewed by a brilliant witch," said Fred.

Rowen rolled her eyes. "Let's get it over with then. Come on." The girl started walking towards the potions classroom, closely followed by the twins. She explained the plan along the way. "Snape is chaperoning Hogsmeade today, correct?" Both boys nodded. "So I'll sneak in and get the ingredients, and you two will stay outside and keep watch."

The boys stopped in their tracks. "That's your plan?" Fred asked.

Rowen nodded.

George crossed his arms. "That's a lousy plan."

"The only lousy plan here is your plan to get over that age line. I've told you it won't work, and you've begged for my help anyway. This is my help. Take it or leave it."

"What's plan b?" Fred asked as the trio continued to walk to the classroom.

"I tell the truth and throw you both under the bus." Before the Weasley's had a chance to say anything they had reached Snape's classroom. "Just trust me." Rowen took her wand from her pocket and pointed it at the lock. "Alohomora," The door swung open and she walked in, securing it behind her.

The room was relatively large and pickled animals lined the walls, which always made Rowen gag. The girl walked to the corner of the room where the student supply closet held everything she required for the Ageing Potion. She began grabbing the ingredients, shoving them into the bag that her mother had cast an extension charm on. Thankfully, Snape was well organized, and the storage room was ordered alphabetically. After Rowen had grabbed the ingredients, she left the classroom, closing the door behind her once again.

"What do you think you are doing, Ms. Bishop?"

Rowen flinched at Professor Snape's voice and turned to face him. "Well Professor, you see," Rowen glanced around but the twins were nowhere in sight. "I'm brewing an aging potion for the Weasley twins, so they can try to put their name in the goblet. It won't work of course, but it'll be funny to watch them fail, don't you think Professor?"

Snape narrowed his eyes. "Get out of my sight." He said bitterly, but Rowen could tell he was holding back a smile.

Rowen quickly made her way down the hallway, meeting the twins and Lee Jordan around a corner. "Come on then. Let's get this over with."

"Where are we going?" Fred asked, hurrying to walk by the girl's side.

"The second-floor girl's lavatory of course."

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