Chapter 1 - The First Day.

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It's my last year of high school! My thoughts in my head spin around with excitement. I know I'm only 16 but i didn't work this hard to get the grades I've got today by lounging around at home and going to parties every chance i get like almost every other teenager in my year.
This might make me seem boring to most but i value every single part of my life, it's how I've been brought up!

I wake to the sound of my phone buzzing off the side table. I reach over to grab it realising it's not my alarm it's actually my best friend Megan who i have know since i was 4 years old.
The text reads, 'Morning girly, are you excited for the first day back coz i know i am!'
I reply with a simple text 'obviously girl!'

I put my phone down gently and practically fly out my bed walking straight to the bathroom where i shower. I don't bother washing my hair as i washed it last night. Standing in front of the mirror i brush my teeth, and to do my skin care. Admiring my glowie skin for what seems like forever pretending I'm a model i snap at myself coming back to reality and walk back to my bedroom.

I decide to wear a baby blue nike oversized jumper which i roll up once at the bottom, it gets paired with a pair of black ripped mom jeans and some light blue and white nikes. These are my all time favourite trainers as i brought them with my own money working at the cafe in town last summer.
I don't really do much with my hair i just pin it back with a black clip and allow my dark brown wavy locks to do it's work. As for my makeup i keep it to a minimum as it's only school. All i do is paint some nude lip gloss over my lips, comb my eyebrows and do a few strokes of my favourite revolution mascara.

It's 8:00 when i hear mum at the bottom of the stairs as she shouts, 'Hayley breakfast is ready!'
I double check my bag and make sure I've got everything and that it's packed neatly.
I make my way downstairs and i start to realise that my dad isn't in his dad chair as he calls it with his coffee. Making my way into the kitchen my mother notices my suspicious look that i give her. With an edgy tone she tells me; 'your dad had to leave early this morning to attend a work meeting, he'll probably be back before you come home!'
All i can do is nod and we both sit down.
I am mesmerised with how full out my mum has gone with breakfast and the fact that she's even placed a clear glass vase in the middle of the table full of red roses knowing full well that they are my favourite! Such a kind gesture i think to myself.
I eat my waffles and the blueberries that she paired with it and we both drink our coffees.
I don't know how any human being can start their day without a coffee it should be illegal if they can!

I notice it's almost time to go so i grab my lunch from the side and run over to my mum to give her the biggest hug I've probably ever given her, she can tell that i am overly excited and offers to drive me to school.. I inform her that i am going to meet Megan but i make sure i say thank you for her kind offer.

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