Mum and Dad

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Megan carefully pulled up on my drive. We said our goodbyes and told each other that we'll face time later on.
As I walked in my dad was home and both my mum and dad sat opposite each other at the dining table. My mum wore a worried expression and my dad looked very agitated. I think I knew what was coming but I felt a sudden pain in my stomach I was deciding whether or not to go into the kitchen.
'Hey Hayley, can you come here please.'
I practically forced myself into the kitchen and sat at the dining table with them.
'What's up?' I knowingly ask.
I heard my mum take a deep breath to prepare herself for what was about to go down.
'Your dad and I have decided that's it's best for us to separate. We've had long and hard thoughts on this decision but we both agree that it's for the best.'
I noticed my mum seemed very happy to get that off her chest... I wonder how long this has been going on for.
I said nothing. I took glances from my mum to my dad waiting for my dad to add to the conversation.
'I am moving out tonight Hayley. This separation is for the best. Your mum and I have gotten really bad for each other and it's not ok. We both need to be there for you but not under the same roof.'
'Do you understand?' They both asked at the same time.
The kitchen felt like it started to spin and i heard a ringing noise coming from my ears...

I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm ok. Hayley answer them! I was trying to soothe myself and it eventually worked. Mum and dad were staring at me.

'Erm. Yeh. Sure. I get it not every couple stay together' unfortunately that's just how life is.' I confidently say.

I stand up and move towards my dad. I saw that he had two suitcases stood next to him and I decide to give him a hug. Jeez I haven't hugged this man in so long I actually felt sick to the stomach of him leaving. I imagined going downstairs every morning and seeing my dad sat in his chair with his morning coffee and his feet up catching up with the boxing. That was the normal routine for me. I will no longer be able to see that!

3 hours later...

I must have fallen asleep when I got upstairs. I already knew it was going to happen but hearing them say it out loud is something I never thought would actually happen. All I've ever known is my mum and dad living under one roof and looking after me guiding me through life. After several minutes of being in my thoughts I decide to clear my head and go for a run. I hesitantly walk downstairs and let my mum know what I was doing she told me to be careful and to make sure i wasn't back late as it was already 21:00pm.

The cold, crisp air hit me as soon as I leaped out the door and I started to wonder whether I should just go back inside where the nice warm fireplace was on.

10 minutes passed and the thought of mum and dad had disappeared but I know they'll come back once I arrive back at home.
I've done three laps so far and I decided to make the fourth one my last for the night. I got to the end of the end of the street near my house and I saw Liam. WHY LIAM?! I was about to jog passed until he stopped me by standing in front of me.

'It's 22:00 what are you doing running at this time?' What was the need for him to sound so worried I asked myself. He stood waiting for me to answer.
'Running helps me to clear my head but I'm heading back home now.' I gave him an honest answer.

'You and me both! My basketball coach is pissing me off by adding new players on the team without talking to me about it first and what makes it worse is I don't even know these new players.'

'That's shit. Anyway I best head back. I hope your coach eases on you soon.'

'Yeh that would be a first. See you around Hayley.'

See you around?! The only time your going to see me is when Megan wants to be near you. I try to get the thoughts out of my head.

Once I'm home I hug my mum and she tells me everything is going to be alright and I tell her I'm going for a shower and then bed.

Oh crap...
I never face timed Megan!

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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