Chapter 3

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I left Megan's car without shutting the door. I'll have to apologise to her about that later. There's no time to waste, first day of year 11 and I'm late!

I am a little sweaty due to running around and panicking like a headless chicken i decide to walk to the girls toilets despite being late. I look in the mirror and grab my deodorant and lip balm out of my bag. I hate these toilets, high school toilets are a no go!

Science is my first lesson. I was able to grab my time table when i walked in, i hope Megan did too. I approach the science door where i nervously knock on the door, i hear the teachers voice invite me inside. Guess what? All the eyes are on me. 'Morning Hayley! Did you forget to set an alarm?' Mr Smith shouts out. 'Me and Megan set off at the right time but still we hit traffic! Honestly I'm so annoyed with myself that I'm late!' A hiccup came from my mouth out of my control. Mr Smith was very understanding and just tells me to find a seat.

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