The Beginning Of Justice.

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Arriving in Poland, without knowing the language, which makes it harder for her to track down these vile men and women. Genevieve seeks out people she can build a rapport with. Genevieve strolls into a brothel, she acts as a customer, a man approaches her, he asks what she would desire? Genevieve looks around, she spots a brunette, the woman looks like she doesn't want to be there.

Genevieve tells the man, "how about that gorgeous brunette by the bar?"

The man tells her, "she's fifty dollars for the hour."

Genevieve gives him the money, he brings the woman, toward her, the woman sits next to Genevieve and they get talking,

Genevieve mentions, "you don't look happy? Do you like working here? What is your name?"

The woman says, "I'm Davina, I'm American like you. I was kidnapped."

Genevieve softly tells her, "don't say anything out loud, but I can help you get out of here."

Davina replies, "I'm trying to but they bring us back to this skanky house every night, there's a whole bunch of us Americans stuck in that skanky house."

Genevieve says, "I'll help, but don't tell your friends, I don't know who I can trust."

Davina reminds her, "you paid for attention, let's pretend we're getting it on."

Genevieve kisses the girl passionately and they fumble for a bit. The man comes over he speaks in broken English, "the hours up, unless you want to pay for longer time?"

Genevieve replies, "she's not for me. I am going now."

Upon leaving, Genevieve winks at Davina on the way out.

Genevieve watches the club, she sees the women being loaded into a van. As they drive off, she follows, she stakes out the house, each day the women are taken to and from the brothel. There's no guards, Genevieve enters the house when the women are taken for their shifts at the brothel, whilst they were gone, she frantically searches the house, she finds a safe, which she used to internet to crack.

Inside were the passports of each women and that of the woman Davina. Genevieve takes the passports, she hides in the house, the women come home, Genevieve makes herself known to them. Genevieve promises she will get them safe passage out of the country if they come now?

They begin packing and Genevieve hurries them, "ladies, there's no time to pack, there's a van I've hired, you all need to get into it now, I'll take you to the American embassy, it's just down the road from here."

Genevieve drops them all off, the women are giving statements about what happened to them. The embassy informed Interpol they asked who saved them, but Genevieve told them not to mention her, none of them did. Genevieve told them, that she's here to set girls and women like them free, that she was exactly like them until she escaped. They promised to keep her name out of it as she still had work to do.

Genevieve watches the women be taken to the airport by embassy staff. Then she carries on with her work. Genevieve goes through Poland picking off each and everyone of the traffickers that have caused pain and misery to her and those women and girls. The Polish women that have been taken, are harder to convince to leave the situations they found themselves in. The fact they're in Poland they know that people that brought them there would go after their families. The families of those girls and women either don't care because they're gaining money from their enslaved women or they've given hope of ever finding them again? With a list of all the names of the men that kept the women, she sent all the names to Interpol and local police. Genevieve unsure about the levels of Polish corruption, she sent the names to the head of the police in Poland. Genevieve staked out the homes of those vile men, she wanted to wait and see if the police went to their doors, but alas it didn't happen. Genevieve took another brave step, she wrote to a newspaper that champions women, she sent the lists of names and addresses of these men and the women that enslaved the women and girls. The newspaper posted an article, soon there was hundreds of men and women at the men and women's addresses. The men gave themselves over to the police willingly. The police arrested them and with the evidence they had, they had enough to charge them, there was definitely police corruption as some of these men were police officers, they took payment to turn the other way, while women were being trafficked and sold into prostitution.

From the list that Genevieve got in Germany, she found more brothels and women sold into prostitution, she travelled across Poland, town by town decimating the groups that held the women, gaining more arrests, more prosecutions. Genevieve soon got wind that some men and women found out that it's a woman that's doing the rounds of each brothel. Genevieve knows she was careful, she sought out all cameras each location had. Genevieve thought to herself for her own safety, she needs to change her name, her looks and to save her life once again.

Genevieve travelled to a woman she met, she knew the woman would be able to help her. The morning before she travelled to her, she went to a hairdresser, she had extensions put in, her hair colour changed again, then she removed the contact lenses. Genevieve had a face that no matter what hair color or eye color she had, she would look completely different. Genevieve discovered that this woman would be the woman, to help her with a new passport, she knew now that she had to flee Poland once she knew for certain that those arrested and charged faced prosecution.

Genevieve waited for what seemed like a lifetime but those charged were now in court and justice was now in session, many men and women were jailed. The corrupt police were punished the hardest.

The judge said in his closing statement;    

"You who worked in civil service should be made an example of, the women you seen enslaved as prostitutes, you turned a blind eye but paid handsomely. I do understand that police wages are low, but those women were forced to do work for nothing, they were violated, taken against their will, abused and taken from those that loved and cared for them. You brought shame on those institutions, you brought shame on our country. I just want to apologize on behalf of those institutions to the families of those women and girls. What galls me the most, is those girls, could've easily have been your own kin. I hope you have a deep think about your actions when your sentences are handed down."

The judge sentenced the police officers to 12-25 years in jail, the others faced similar sentences.

Genevieve kept up with the court cases in Germany, in Italy and in Spain. Some sentences were menial, in some areas the police got off with just a slap on the wrist. It angered Genevieve, but with the world knowing, those men and women, won't be seen as decent people again. They'll be seen as people traffickers. They'll face more horrendous retribution on the streets than in jail, now their faces and actions are known. Genevieve now must find a way into Russia, Genevieve knew Russia will be the hardest, given the country's security services. Genevieve devised a plan, she knew she had to take her time with this one.

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