A Senator Leaves A Treasure Trove.

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Mike was back in the UK, he was enjoying his new found wealth. There was that much money he had to send it in two lots. Mike sent a message saying, that he is watching the Special Counsel live on C-SPAN and if it doesn't go as well as he would hope, that he's willing to return to to help the couple if they need him. Danil and Genevieve watch the live feed too, they bring in each of the accused and question them thoroughly, in the world of politics it looks like it's working for and on the side of the accused. The thing that bugs Genevieve more, is the European countries took the crimes seriously and acted accordingly.

Danil admits to Genevieve, "honey, I don't think this is over, we must make sure our loose ends are tied up. We must make sure that there is nothing that leads to us."

Genevieve looks at him and replies, "Dan, I've thought about this, we haven't left a footprint, those that know us, only seen us when we asked for passports, we know for sure we didn't explain why we needed them, nor did they ask."

Danil then asks, "when you married Mario, were any pictures taken?"

Genevieve thinks for a moment and replied, "yes, there was. Mario hid them in a chest in the roof space. The only photographer that was given that chore, would have the negatives. We must go to Italy."

Danil and Genevieve fly back to Italy. Mario's old home was abandoned, it still had all its old furniture, they sneak in and find the chest, inside the chest the photos were still there. They took them and got out of the house.

Danil asked, "the photographer, where did he live?"

Genevieve replied, "he lives in the town, I seen him briefly when Mario gave me a little leash. When he allowed me to go shopping with the other mob wives."

Danil asked, "do you know exactly where?"

Genevieve tells him that she does. They watch the photographer leave his home, they swiftly sneak in and look through the negatives for that day. They find the exact negatives and they hear the door open, it's the photographer back. They sneak out the back window and slide down a drainpipe. The couple burn the pictures and the negatives. They fly back to the US the next day.

Danil then asked, "when you came to Russia did you make sure you stayed out of every camera?"

Genevieve laughs, "then if they seen me, we wouldn't have made it out of Russia, you know this."

Danil agrees. They backtracked to every action they've taken. To make sure they never left a footprint. They know for sure they didn't, they got rid of all transportation they used. They contact Mike and ask him did he get caught in any cameras when he approached Shaun? Mike tells them, he stayed away from cameras and in the house he was assigned to, he destroyed all cameras and encrypted hardware.

He even quips "I might be a bit docile sometimes, but I'm not dumb. I know I covered all my tracks. Just make sure yours are all covered."

Danil tells Mike he's taken all precautions and Genevieve is one of a kind, she untrained, was able to escape the clutches of a violent mobster, infiltrate me i who was trained by the GRU, cause mayhem all over Europe. If the intelligence agencies in the world knew of her existence and capabilities, they would've taken her by now."

Mike agrees, "that girl is something else. There's none braver on the battlefields across the world."

The couple see that the senators and congressmen were able to hire the best of lawyers, that got them released while further investigations took place. During the Special Counsel questioning, it came to light, that the intelligence agencies were unable to crack to the encrypted files sent to the newspapers. Mossad failed, the CIA failed, the FSB and GRU failed. They even sent the files to hackers that work for these agencies to crack, but even they failed. Genevieve was untrained, but she learned via the dark web how to deeply encrypt and hide her signature in the codes.

Then Danil mentioned, "honey, we need to get into those government members lawyers offices, for they will know where these so called elected members of society's secrets."

The couple watch and take down the names of their lawyers, they Spoogle their building addresses, then it dawned on Genevieve, that they wouldn't hide such sensitive information in those offices, they would have security boxes locked in banks. We must watch where they go daily. They begin tracking the lawyers and they were right, they go to a bank every time they meet with their clients. Genevieve comes up with a plan, she tells Danil, that she will open a security box in each bank, she will acquire the tools to open each box. Genevieve hacks into the banks servers and finds each of the boxes that are assigned to the lawyers. The bank didn't even know they were hacked, she found the numbers of each box.

Genevieve delves into the dark web, she finds the tools which she needs to open security boxes, they were quite cheap surprisingly. The items arrived a few days later and Genevieve approaches the banks, telling them she wishes to open a security box account. When she gained access to the secret room, it doesn't have cameras as it's meant to be for the privacy of the clients. Genevieve found the boxes, she opens them, each containing USB sticks. Why would a lawyer store something that he could hold easily. Genevieve takes the USB sticks, she puts them into her computer, of course it's all encrypted but she now has the newest software to decrypt it. On each stick, it contained information about the senators and congressmen's guilt. Genevieve makes a plan to copy each USB and send the copy to the Special Counsel. The Special Counsel recalled the government to bring those that were freed to face further evidence of their guilt. Due to the fact it came under anonymity, the government rejected it and it asks for further proof.

Genevieve states, "then we need to take further action, we must seek that evidence they require?"

Danil agrees, "I have a plan, we know those government members have a security detail, they'll be protected around the clock. However with what they're accused of, their security details will be reduced until their investigations are completed. They will eventually go to the people that got them into this mess to help clear them. It's what I would do."

Genevieve finds out each address of each of the accused. Genevieve finds houses in their neighbourhood's that are empty. Genevieve and Danil find the first empty house. They watch this one senator, he is elected for the state of Arizona, but of course he lives in Washington due to his job. Danil warns Genevieve that Washington D.C is the has the most CCTV in the whole world. They should only follow this man when it's absolutely necessary. They come up with a plan to follow them when they see them ditching their security details. They know when they're ditching them, they're trying to hide something and they were right. The senator for Arizona ditched his security detail to meet a man, who he picked a package up from.

The man opens the package in his car, they see he's looking at pictures. They'll know if the pictures are of him doing nefarious things, or of the couple? The senator found a spot and burned the pictures but they got lucky, as soon as he set them on fire it started to rain and he had already drove off. They found the pictures and they were of the senator in a compromising position with a girl no older than fourteen, alongside the pictures was a videotape and on the videotape was the man violating the girl. The tape contained a lot of metadata they will use it to help discover who she is or was?

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