The Worst Is Yet To Come.

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Mike, Genevieve and Danil sit around the table and make plans. Mike wants them caught and sent to jail, but he knows the sentences will be lenient.

Danil angrily stated, "Mike, death would be the best for these monsters and you know that?"

Mike nods in agreement. Genevieve agrees with Danil, that the best way to end this, is with their deaths.

Mike looks at Genevieve and asks, "before you met Danil, you went through four countries and carried out the majority of this by yourself, maybe when this is all over? Do you ever fancy getting paid for it?"

Genevieve tuts then replied, "maybe, just need some firearms training?"

Mike laughs, "I'm sure you're a quick study, I'll have you trained in no time, just ask Danil, he'll tell you the amount of times I saved his butt."

Danil says, "he's right, he saved me countless times, he's a good man to have at your flank."

They discuss their first target, it's a man named Jason Swann, he lives in the same town as Mike, his house isn't surrounded by guards, the most security he has is two Doberman dogs and cameras. Mike engineers a run in with Jason, they happen to drink in the same pub.

Mike sees him at the bar, he walks about behind him and says, "long time no see Jase, how's tricks?"

Jason replies, "nothing new buddy, just working and getting by, you know how it is?"

Mike nods, "i know man." Mike asks him is he still married?

Jason replies, "no, she left me seven years ago, taking our son with her."

Mike smiles inside and replies, "sorry to hear that mate."

Mike leaves the bar, he now knows that Jason lives home alone. Danil and Genevieve stake out his house, Jason comes and goes alone, with just the odd food delivery. Danil decides that tomorrow night they take out Jason. Mike tells Danil that he wants to keep his hands clean, so Danil and Genevieve plan to go in. They acquire tranquilliser darts to take the dogs down, then they can get into the house without alerting him with their barking. Mike hacked his security system, he disabled it. Mike knows that Jason takes a drug because he's bipolar, that knocks him out, so this one will be easy, he also knows he goes to sleep at 11pm every night. Genevieve and Danil creep in, disabling all the interior and exterior cameras. They removed hard-drive of the computer too.

Jason is snoring, Danil takes a pillow, he puts it over his face and shoots him in the head. They know for sure he's dead, they search the house for all information in relation to the others. They know they can't kill them all. They set the house on fire, but before they do they remove the bullet, pick up the casing. They place a lit cigarette near him. This will explain how the fire started. They pour the accelerant on his head first, then set it alight. They then set the curtains on fire among other fabrics. The house is ablaze in under a minute. They give the dogs the antidote, they wake up as they're scaling the wall. Genevieve and Danil drive into the night, taking the long way home, then back to Mike's place.

Mike asked, "what other information did you find on the other four?"

Genevieve explains, "we found a lot of encrypted information, but I've got the software to translate it."

Genevieve gets to work translating the information, then she said, "remember how we're conflicted on how to go about exposing the others, we can still kill them and expose them, the information in this leads them to information that even Mike couldn't believe, that the British government are up to their necks in this as much as their foreign counterparts. We should expose them both. Once the government sees that their members are involved, those they have turned a blind eye to will get heavier sentences? What do you think guys?"

Mike and Danil look at the evidence, then look at Genevieve and tell her, "you're right, they'll want a scapegoat and those other four will get the harshest sentences ever doled out and those members involved will be expelled from parliament, so it's a win-win."

"How do we gain the governments attention?

Mike suggests, "we have a Labour lead government at the moment, the papers that support Labour won't touch it, we send the evidence to a conservative supporting paper, something like The Telegraph or The Daily Mail?"

Mike thinks for a moment then says, "I will contact The Telegraph, I do have a reporter there, she interviewed me after I came back from some mercenary work?"

Danil reminds him, "Mike, you'll have to be under complete anonymity, you, me nor Genevieve can't be discovered, otherwise she and I will charged with murders that happened in Russia and Ukraine. Genevieve in Italy and a further three countries. We can't be visible."

Mike reassures them, "she's never even told the world who the mercenary was, when she interviewed me."

Danil implores him, "then call her."

Mike calls the reporter, she says, "hey, long time no speak, what do I owe this pleasure?"

Mike sighed and began, "I've some evidence that this paper might be interested in, I've got evidence that some of our politicians have turned a blind eye to people trafficking from the States, to here, to all across Europe. You might've seen on the news about the Ukrainian's and the Russians turning a blind eye?"

The reporter asks, "meet me with the evidence and I'll take it to my editor?"

Mike meets the reporter and hands over photocopies of the evidence. The reporter takes the evidence to her editor, he decides that he's going to print it."

The editor demands from the reporter her source as the allegations are quite serious, but she tells him she won't reveal her source. The death of Jason was put down to an accident, they believe he fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth. This didn't spook his colleagues as they believe that all information he may have held in the house went up in smoke with him. Although Genevieve and Danil recovered everything of value from the house.

The next day, The Telegraph printed the evidence, Parliament was in an uproar, given there was photographic evidence of those MP's with the men in question. The police descended upon the homes of the politicians, they were arrested. They began talking to police as long as they got a deal, but the police refused to give them a deal. The police found residences up and down the country where women and girls where being held captive.

The MP's were suspended from Parliament while an internal investigation takes place. The MP's that are responsible, even drop a few names from their opposition that are also involved. Those MP's too were suspended, causing chaos among the MP's. The men arrested faced court the very next day after being arrested. They were remanded until their trials take place.

Mike asks Danil and Genevieve what's the next stop?

Genevieve anxiously replied, "the States, there's an element worse than them all in the States, they work alongside another element, they work with drug cartels, it'll be the toughest of the lot. Danil is coming, we could do with an extra pair of hands and you've got some experience dealing with people like them?"

Mike says, "I've came back here after war zones, I've been trigger itchy ever since, I've always wanted a crack at those lot. One thing though, it's under complete anonymity, those people have a bigger reach than most corporations, we get the heads in the States, going into Mexico or any Latin American country will be suicide. I'm in as long as we stay in the states?"

Genevieve agrees, "then it's settled, we'll get the first flight out."

Danil books flights and they're to fly into New York.

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