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saved up letters

sad songs

they flood my drawers

and my head,

causing my mind to 

continue loftily

using daydreams to cope.

it tells me how pretty they are.

i know that.

why won't it leave me


get out.

i'm in love with you, 

can't you see that?

you love me,

don't you?

(A/N: please keep in mind i wrote this at 2 in the morning, and i was not in a proper state of mind. my head was kinda scattered when i wrote this ig and i had to translate it from the enderman i wrote it in for some reason. anyways enjoy my hopeless romantic 2 am thoughts i suppose lolololololol)

poems i write at 2 a.m. and decide to postKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat