twenty two

6 0 0

i've lost the passion i had for life.

i miss the kind you had for me.

and as i look you in the eyes

i start to realize

the universe's cruelty.

how dare it make me love you

how dare it bring you to me

just to make me lose you

ever so slowly

it's so painful watching you drift

and cause me to spiral.

i almost miss being sad.

i almost miss the way i bled

and the way i would cry.

i miss when i felt lowly.

i miss when you felt like god,

healthy and true.

i miss when i felt like me

i miss when you were you.

i miss when i was your gift.

i wish you still loved me like you used to.

i wish i was enough.

how could i ever forgive you

why can't i forgive myself.

please don't leave again

i don't want a break

i need you here with me

i need to be your mistake.

my heart beats for yours

your life keeps mine.

i really need your presence.

i'd die for your time.

don't let me die again

as i have many times for you

please don't leave me in the dark

i want to make you love me

make you feel that spark.

please love me again.

please don't give me another death.

i want to love you forever.

until my eternal rest.

poems i write at 2 a.m. and decide to postWhere stories live. Discover now