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It felt almost strange to be back at the office.

Mainly because things felt different with his boss after the trip to the resort. Work was the same. Yeosang as as sharp as usual, handing out the usual lectures on his performance, and the usual critique of his ideas...

But somehow... his critical feedback, felt softer, than usual...

Or perhaps Seonghwa was only imagining it. That was entirely possible too-

'Mr. Park?'

Seonghwa jolted in surprise, almost leaping out of his seat as he looked up to see Yeosang's secretary standing beside his desk. 'Holy shit,' he murmured in Korean, taking a deep breath, and regaining his composure as the young lady giggled. 'Sorry. How may I help you?'

'Mr. Kang would like to see you in his office.'

Seonghwa's lips fell apart just the slightest bit at the mention of his name. 'Yes, thank you,' he replied, standing up and nodding to her as he smiled kindly and left him alone.

Straightening his jacket, he took a deep breath before making his way to his office.

And knocking on those double doors would never not be terrifying... He just couldn't bring himself to do it...

'Come in,' called Yeosang's voice, without Seonghwa having even put his knuckles to the timber.

Clearing his throat and wondering how he'd known he was standing there, he pushed open the doors-

- and was surprised to see Choi San sitting on one of the couches; Yeosang at the head of the coffee table.

'Mr. Choi,' Seonghwa said politely in surprise, nodding.

But his courtesy was just waved off. 'None of that. I'm not here on official work business.'

Frowning a little, Seonghwa made his way to the table and sat down oposite San, both on either side of Yeosang.

'Choi came in for these,' Yeosang said, leaning forward and plonking down a folder on the table - a folder San's eyes suddenly stared at with almost a saddening desperation.

'Are those the papers?' Seonghwa asked, watching San pick them up and open the folder.

Yeosang nodded silently, their eyes falling upon San, who instantly teared up.

'Oh my god...' he whispered, staring at the bottom of one page where no doubt, existed the signature of his now ex-wife. 'I don't believe it...'

'Congratulations on your divorce,' Yeosang said, a small smile upon his lips.

And when San blinked, tears slipped down his cheeks. 'Is this legitimate? It is really over?'

Yeosang nodded. 'The only copy of the video that exists, is the one you possess. However even if something pops up that we don't know about, you won't have to worry about her publicising it.'

San's head shook in disbelief. 'How? How did you manage that?'

Yeosang sat back, glancing at Seonghwa, who was thinking exactly the same thing.

'It's best if you can claim you knew nothing about it,' he said, finality lacing his words.

And apparently, San didn't give a single hoot about how the signature had ended up on that page. So long as it was over, he seemed incredibly releived - like the weight of the world had lifted from his shoulders. 'I handed in my resignation this morning,' he said, and Seonghwa had never heard someone so happy about resigning.

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