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'I can't believe you literally flew straight through Seoul and didn't even visit.'

Wooyoung's disappointed voice sounded through Seonghwa's mobile as he glanced at Yeosang in the back of the taxi, who was gazing out the window at Korea's scenery passing by.

'I'm sorry, Wooyoung. There was only one connecting flight- the company booked it...'

'Whatever, not good enough. I'm still mad at you, and so just FYI, I'm getting my payback by stealing all of your suits you left behind.'

Seonghwa's eyes widened. 'Ya! Why do you even need them, anyway? Weren't you working at that restaurant...?'

He could just about hear Wooyoung's eye roll. 'I quit. Why else do you think I could spend a month in China? The boss was a twat anyway.'

Seonghwa restrained himself from lecturing him whilst he was in the back of a taxi. 'Why do you need my suits then?'

'Ha! Because guess who just got a job as an usher at the theatre down the road?'

Seonghwa exhaled in amusement. 'You, I'm guessing. Congratulations. Try to keep it, this time.'

He heard Wooyoung's beaming hum as he no doubt gave himself a figurative pat on the back. 'I will~. I actually like this one,' he said excitedly.

Seonghwa chuckled. 'Yeah I've heard that before.'

'No I do! Because guess who else works there?'

Seonghwa frowned. 'Uh, I have no idea.'

'Sannie! He got a job as their accounts manager when we got back to Korea.'

Seonghwa smiled a little, and upon noticing Yeosang glance at him, apparently wondering what had gotten him smiling, he noticed the blond mouthing we're getting out soon.

Seonghwa nodded back, glancing out the window. 'Woo just because San works there, doesn't mean you will last there. You are a chronic job leaver.'

'Well I have incentive this time- oh! Speak of the devil and my man shall arrive! Got to go, Hwa, Chat later.'

Seonghwa chuckled a little, noticing the taxi driver pulling over. 'Bye, Wooyoung.'

And with almost perfect timing, the moment Seonghwa hung up the phone, seatbelts were unbuckled, and Yeosang paid the driver before getting out and pulling their luggage from the boot.

Seonghwa glanced around, and then up at the building before him. He didn't know what he'd expected, but this, wasn't it.

It wasn't a high rise complex, and it wasn't a dump, but it was somewhere nicely in between. Only three storeys tall, it felt more homely, than business-like, and suddenly, Seonghwa felt his stomach fill with butterflies.

But Yeosang didn't seem to notice. He was busy nudging his four wheeled luggage towards the gate, sorting through keys like he hadn't needed to use the one he was looking for in a long while.

'Aha, got it,' he finally gasped under his breath, walking up to the gate and successfully fitting it into the lock.

Seonghwa walked up awkwardly behind him, glancing around at the trees growing in the area, and for some reason, admiring the street signs written in Korean. He had always taken it for granted, but not anymore.

Home sweet home...


'Are you coming?'

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