Chapter 3: School Number 5

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I take one step out of the bus. A step that I wish I never took. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but STILL. All the people stopped doing what they were doing and avert their eyes to me.

I walk and they start whispering and snickering. I can't have one second without hearing 'psst psst' or 'haha'. I exist, y'know? A tall blonde boy who looked like a giant smirked and stuck his foot in front of me.

Being me, my legs decided to walk over them, despite my desperate attempts to not trip. I fell flat on my face. The corridor burst with laughter. I quickly gathered my books, shoved it into my bag and ran to the nearest bathroom before I had a breakdown.

 I slammed the stall door and sat on the toilet seat with my hands on my face. I felt my eyes burn. Then the tears came. My eyes stung, and the tears rolled down my cheeks. The tears fell like the fall that took me here

"You okay?" the person in the stall next to me asked.

I calmed myself enough to speak normally again.

"I'm fine." I replied, but my voice still shaky.

I muster up the courage to walk to class. It was almost time for the bell to ring.

I splash water on my face, the cold streams dripping off my chin. While walking to class, I get a few giggles, but that was it.

I take a rattling breath and open the door. Big mistake.

Kaigura POV:

The bus to school was odd. A girl with brunette hair entered the bus. What was strange, you might ask? Her outfit.

She was wearing casual, and today was school. She looked around my age. The girl ignored the looks that were directed at her.

I sighed. Sometimes I wished I was as brave as some people. The bus trip felt short, and after exiting the bus, I passed a lot of snickering people on my way to the locker.

"Sup Ken!" someone shouted at me.

"Hi Ryu." I replied. It was Satoshi Ryuji. Childhood friend of mine.

"Yo, did you hear about the new girl? Apparently she arrived in casual wear! The news spread in like 5 minutes man!" he joked.

"Casual clothes, huh?" I questioned. Then it hit me. Was that her on the bus?

"Yo why did you stop?" he asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." I said and continued unpacking.

I make my way to the class, seeing more laughing and murmuring people. I take my usual seat. Smack bang in the middle of the class. It's the last minute, and more people start finding some seats. I hear the door open.


Oh. My. God. The way that everyone moved their attention to me when I opened that door. The class burst howled in laughter.

"May you move, Miss Hawari?" a man pronounced, and almost scared the life out of me.

"O-Oh... S-S-Sorry." I stammered, and let a tall masculine man into the room. The whole class had stopped laughing and moved to their seats, serious looks on all of their faces.

"Hello 11C!" the male boomed.

"Good morning Hiroshi Sensei." The class responded blankly.

"We have a new student. Her name is Inko Hawari. Make her feel welcome. Now, Miss Hawari, would you like to introduce yourself to 11C?" Sensei added.

I stepped up onto the platform. "Hi 11C. My name is Inko Hawari, and I just moved into Tokyo." I said and stepped off the platform.

"Now... you should get changed Miss Hawari. I'll allocate the first period for you to get changed into normal school uniform, or consequences await you." Sensei commented.

I felt my face flush. "Ok."

Kaigura POV:

She exited the room. I raised my hand.

"Yes Kaigura?" Sensei asked.

"I'd like to use the restroom, if that's okay with you?" I replied.


"Thank you Sensei."

I twisted the handle and exited the door with my sports bag. I saw a glimpse of hair. 

Is that hers? Only one way to find out. I walked to the corner and turned, to see Inko.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a girl's uniform. It was my older sister's old uniform. What was it doing here?

Inko POV:

I saw a figure turn the corner. He reached into his bag and drew out a girl's uniform and walked towards me.

"Here." he said.

"What? Why is that in your bag?" I asked, weirded out.

"Oh..." he trailed off.

"CREEP!" I exclaimed, grabbed the uniform and ran away, my cheeks feeling hot.

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