meeting old allies

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"Ill send a letter for allies to the kage. Now leave me alone ill just enjoy my sake alone"

"fine... Man shes in a bad mood..."

"I heard that!"

"Nope!" jiraiya left through the window

"Kami... Why cant these people go through the door"


"Hime! you ready?"

"Yeah coming " hinata comes down wearing a beautiful kimono.

"Yeah coming " hinata comes down wearing a beautiful kimono

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"you look beautiful hime!"

"Thanks naruto!"

"lets go shall we?"

"we shall!"

 The next day in konoha:

Tsunade's POV:-

I cant believe it THE UZUKAGE was coming to our village today. He wrote a letter he wanted to talk about the allies in person?!

He is one of the greatest shinobi's. I hope everything goes well!

"Tsunade-sama the uzukage has arrived"

"Let him in" 

'The uzukage walked into the hokage's office with his wife and some of his anbu's near him.I couldnt see him that well cause his hat was covering his face and his wife had a fan covering her face. But i felt him kinda familiar'

Tsunade rose from her chair and welcomed the uzukage and his wife.

"Its nice meeting you uzukage-san " Tsunade said

"Its nice meeting you too lady hokage"

"So....... about the allies-"

"Lady hokage if u don't mind can we talk abt the allies tomorrow as my wife is pretty tired from the ride"

"Sure shall Uzukage-sama. Cat , Dog escort uzukage and his wife to the estate."

"hai hokage sama"

After escorting The Uzukage and his wife

"Thankyou both of you for escorting us here"

"Its our pleasure Uzukage sama"

After Both of them left

Naruto took of his hat.

"Man that was exhausting "He sighed

"Yah, It was pretty tiring"

"Well then how about you rest. I still have  a bit more paperwork."

"Couldn't u have left it back home?"

"Nope, These are important paperwork's from the other villages for allies"

"oh, Well then make sure to get some rest cause i know your pretty exhausted too"

"sure will, hime!"

Crow POV:

'I still don't  get why Uzukage left me with these many paperwork. Couldn't he find the other's to do it.'

Shark then came in.

"Hey Crow, we are going to the market for a rest wanna come?"

"Don't u see this I'm assigned by the Uzukage to do this"

"Well, too bad you cant come anyways see ya"

Crow just sighed knowing it was gonna be a long day......

Hi there Wolves!!!

Sorry for the very late update i kinda broke my arm and had some school things i couldn't find much time!!

Also Thanks for getting this book upto 3K reads!!!

I'm honestly surprised!!!

Hope u have a good day peeps!!

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