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As soon as Outer went through the portal, he looked back at the portal that slowly closed and left him into another alternate world like his. Outer scanned the whole place where he was in and was amaze with it. It was really almost like his own world, except the fact that there's a whole mountain blocking out the sky. It felt odd. Good odd. There was a large smile plastered on his face as he went wondering around.

As Outer went wondering, he soon found himself at the entrance of Waterfall and the exit of Snowdin. Smiled happily as he took jogging through the snow. In Outertale, it was only rocks. What else do you expect on the moon but rocks? No, the moon is not made of cheese—

Outer stopped for a second and stared upward, wondering where could the snow possibly come from. He didn't even noticed the figure a few meters from him. He only noticed them when he heard someone coughed. As Outer snapped from his thoughts, he saw the Sans of this alternate universe. They reminded him another alternate he met a few times whose world was named Underfell. Their clothings were almost similar to them, the only difference was the black and red striped scarf and the four tipped star necklace dangling around his neck. They stared at each other for a few seconds until one them broke the silence. "Who are you?" That question left from Flowerfell Sans' mouth like any other would ask a stranger. "Is something happening out there?"

Outer blinked a few times, trying to figure out what he had just said and was thankful afterwards, he knew the multiverse, he didn't have to explain. "The name's Outer, ice to meet ya. And don't worry about the multiverse, they made a truce."

"I see... I don't like interacting whatever shit that isn't my business. Why are you here?"

I think no Sans would actually likes to deal with the universe, other than Error and a few others. Outer thought.

"I just.. came to see what earth looks like up close."

"Don't you live in earth? What are you? An alien?" He asked sarcastically.

"Well, if you put that way. Yes, in my world, we're stuck on the moon and we get to see the stars."

"You're lucky. I haven't even seen the Outer space yet heh."

"I wouldn't call myself lucky actually." They gave a confused look. "It gets tiring when you get used to it, just like how you're used to this place."

"You got a point there, I guess." He looked upward, staring back at the snow falling slowly at them. "Too bad, I won't able to see the stars yet."

Outer felt bad for him, he wish he could make him able to see the stars just like how he's seeing earth even though he's only in the underground. He can though only if... "I can help you see."

"What? How? You do know about the human souls are needed for the barrier, right?"

"No, that wasn't I was thinking about. I thought you could—"

"Time's up." A voice cut off Outer, surprising the two skeletons who it was. It was Error back in Outertale, still sitting at the edge and legs dangling. "Come on, I still got things to do." Outer glanced back in hope at skeleton in red clad before entering the portal once again to his homeworld.

Maybe he could ask Error again another time...

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