Naming Bonds

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"Hey Error."


Error had left as soon as Outer came back to his homeworld but came back after a few hours later. "I was wondering if you could bring me back to FlowerFell, i-if you don't mind."


"I uh just wanted to spend more time there, that's all." A partial truth. Error eyed Outer for a few seconds before letting him go through his portal once again. Outer thanked him and left. But before he even did, a thought came back his mind. "Hey Error?"


"I know we're aren't close or anything and I'm sorry for asking too much but... can I bring them here in Outertale?" Horror came creeping at his backbone. "I-If you don't want to, I understand. I–"

"I'm not your damn servant."


"Just be quick." Outer's frown turned up smiling again as he dash through FlowerFell looking for him. He soon found him kneeling in a patch of flowers in front of a grave. He gave a gentle tap on his shoulder, slightly startling them. They turned around to see Outer once again.
"You're back. Why are you here again?"

"I wasn't able to tell you what I thought earlier. I thought.. I could show you the stars in my world. I can bring you there."

"You.. want me to see the stars..?"

"Yeah. I mean, you want to see the stars right? I said to myself why not? Well, only if you want to." They were confused at first but they gave a flashing smile, agreeing with the idea. "Alright!" Outer had a warm feeling inside of him as he saw them smiling brightly. "By the way, I never caught your name."

They looked at them confused and realized what he ment. "I don't know, never got an official nickname ya know?" (A/N:Not that I know)

"Mm.. how bout Flower?"

"Eh.. sounds girly."

"Well, I'm not good at naming. So don't ask me."

"Hey! You were the one who asked first."

"Heh alright, alright. Let's just go. Maybe we can ask Error instead."
Outer brought him back to his homeworld through the portal Error made. Outer wasn't surprised when he saw the face they made when they first saw the space. Full of stars. Outer wasn't also surprised to see Error giveing him a blunt look.

"So, you just met him yesterday and you're already bringing him on a date." Error joked.

"Wh– I'm not bring him on a date!!" Outer yelled while Error tried to hold his laughter down. Outer looked back at his friend to see him blushing slightly and trying to avoid contact. "A-anyway," Outer said, about to change subject. "He doesn't any official nickname yet, do you know any good names?"

"You're seriously asking me?" Error scoffed. "Oh, I know! We can call him abomination! Or maybe a mistake. Tch, like you would agree with me."

"... I shouldn't have asked you." Outer turned back to his friend and tried to think of a name while they watch the sky of stars in amazement.

They spent their time chatting and throwing puns at one another and even managed to make Error to join as well. This happened almost everday, until... that one skeleton had to ruin it.

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