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/changed your age to 17 and Kakashis to 22 also your hight to 6'3(for those who dint know that's gojos height and Kakashi is 5'9) /

/on the roof/
Kakashi was leaning against the railing
"Introduce yourselfs"
"Introduce ourselves?"sakura repeated
"What do we say?" She said confused
"Things you like,things you hate,your hobby' know stiff like that."
"You go first" Naruto said squinting his eyes at him
"Hmm name:Kakashi hatake.what I like?I like a lot of things
And what I dislike?,I couldn't hobbies?..I have a lot if hobbies and for my dream...I've never really thought about it"
"That was pointless..all he said was his name." Sakura said dead-panning with you and Naruto agreeing with a nod
"Alrighty one sitting next to the introduce yourself first."
He said pointing to Naruto
Kakashi looked at you and smirked a little under his mask
"I Naruto Uzamaki,believe it!..I like Instant ramen,the ones in the cup.and I REALLY like the ramen Iruka sensei got me at ichiraku ramen.i hate the three minutes you have to wait for the ramen to hobby is eating ramen.and My future dream is..
To become the..greatest the while village will stop disrespecting me and start to acknowledge me!"Naruto finished with a smile

'you got one great kid.minato.'

"Well done chibi~chan" you said smiling patting his head.
"DONT DO THAT!" He said smacking your hand away and throwing tho he secretly enjoyed the attention.
"Hai,hai." You said smirking making sakura and as certain coppy ninja to blush.
"*Cough.alright next."
"My name is sakura Haruno.what I like-i mean who I like.

She looks to her left.

My dream for the future?.."
Que the squealing .
Through out her whole squeeling your saw Kakashi "sneak-ley"throw glances at you but come on man of course you new but you let it slide.

'Great another fangirl'

"Calm down Susan it ain't that deep" you said looking at her
Causing Naruto to laugh,Kakashi to chuckle a little and sakura to look fuming
"Hn" saskue said with a little smile Forming slightly annoyed.
"OK,OK that's enough."Kakashi quickly defused the raising argument
"Now,what do you hate?"
"You'll get em next time" you said patting his back
"*Sigh,hopefully.thanks y/n"
"You." He pointed to the 'last' Uchiha
"My name is sakue Uchiha.i dint particualy
Like hobby are not relevant.m dream is not a dream for I will make it reality..I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain man."


"Next.." Kakashi said board but secretly wanted to hear your introduction

"Yo!I'm gojo y/n.i like Kikufuku specifically y/f/f (your favourite flavor)and /your likes/,
I dislike,no..I HATE the stagnation in the elders of my cl- my former clan,sukuna,curses and /your dislikes/"
You said with a dark look making everyone hold there breath

"My dream Like most of the old sorcerers in my clan Is to strive to protect the worldfrom the Cursed Spirits that plagued it. However, I see the structure of Jujutsu Sorcerer society as flawed,unlike the old sorcerer's, and as such hope to change it for the better. old man helped me out by giving me a home and taking me in. Like emo lord over there I wish to destroy a certain man,If you can even call him that and restore my clan for the new generations of Jujutsu Sorcerers,though I don't know how since I'm the last should survivor and don't swing that way*sigh oh well."

Everyone was speechless

'hes like me'
'damn he's gay..he better not steal my saskue,cha!'
'what does he mean by "swing that way"?...should I have BBQ or spicy ramen tonight?ooo mabey I coul-

'yes he's gay,wait what am I thinking he's my student..and..wait?how old is he?..'

"Het,y/n how old are you?" Kakashi asked with a raised brow,everyone turned to you

"Ehh?,are you saying I'm old,that's rude you know,and you can't say much you have white hair to!"you Said with crocodile tears running from out of your blindfold

"Wait-no that's not what I meant*sigh,just answer the question."

"Oh," you stoped crying and wiped your tears
"Im 17"

"....EHHHHH!?!"Sakura and Naruto screamed

This was a hard one to write sorry. also,don't correct my spelling it's annoying your smart enough figure out what it says.🤷‍♂️

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