A Rainbow's Tale

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I started of as a normal pony. My life was okay, I guess. I was great at flying but of course, nopony would ever be impressed with me. Why, you ask? Because they were better. I said I was great, I never said I was the best.

I go to a private flight school, so it's really expected to be beaten by those snobs. The good thing was, being the worst and the best made me partially invisible. Even if I wasn't noticed, I wasn't teased or bully.

But on my 11th birthday, I guess I kinda wanted to be noticed, just a little. Right then, I realized that even if I wasn't bullied, I was a loser. I hated it. Feelings changed, being alone made me feel bullied.

Life was a bit dull after that. That was, until she came. The famous pegasus that was not only great, but the best. And out of all the pegasi in that school, she decided to motivate me. To mentor me. To teach me.

And just in case you dopes still don't know who 'she' is, it's the one and only Rainbow Dash. She instantly was like my older sister. Everyday, she told me, "Dream big, kid. But don't dream the impossible, remember that,".

I guess that kinda made sense, even if it was a unique statement. Everyday, I was getting better and better.

Soon enough, I was one of the bests. But like the fool I was, I wanted more. I wanted to do the Sonic Rainboom. Dash didn't really like my idea. "Kid, I told you, don't dream the impossible. You'll end up hurting yourself,". Of course, I didn't listen.

Although she hesitated, Dash finaly agreed to teach me. I tried to copy her movements but I do end up getting hurt. Always flung back by, what, force?

I became a liiiiiiitle bit desperate. Thanks to my gift with chemicals, I tested a few mix of chemicals on myself. After many cases of temporary mutations, I stopped using chemistry to help me fly.

My parents both couldn't fly , but since they worked for Princess Celestia, the weren't exiled.

One day, I was attempting to do a Sonic Rainboom. Dash was watching. Right then, a tornado came. I wasn't stopping no matter how much Dash shrieked at me. The tornado took away everything. My parents were trapped in that tornado. An alicorn princess stopped the tornado and my parents fell.

While flying, I realized that I had to save them. They couldn't fly.

I flew down towards them. All of a sudden, I went so fast. Too fast. I passed by my parents and couldn't stop.

I saw as my parents fell. As they splattered to the ground.

I finaly (crash) landed on the ground, tired, heartbroken. Breaking the silence, a slow clap was heard. I turned around to see Dash, looking amazed, clapping.

I looked behind me. I gasped in horror. Behind me, a trail of rainbows.

Did I just fart rainbows? Or did I just do the Sonic Rainboom?

What I've always wanted.

It caused my parents death.

A few days later, I didn't want to do anything but wander around aimlessly.

Then I saw it. The flyer that was posted and taken down every year.

Help Wanted

Upper Rainbow Factory

Everypony is useful to us!

Hmm... rainbows. I needed colour in my life.

So that's where I went.

And this was just the beggining of my colourful life.

Well, I drew an imperfect sketch of Neon Shadow at the top there, because I can. #NotanArtist.

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