And Harmfull

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I walked around. Where am I? It seems like I'm in a grassland. Funny, i'm not supposed to be here. I gotta go back, back to my home, the Rainbow Factory. Or i'll be in BIIIG trouble.

Right beside me, a patch of overgrown grass burst into flames. Oh, great. I need to get away, now!

I spread my wings attempted to fly. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fly. I turned around to see why. I gasped when I saw my wings, spread out. Or actually, wing.

One wing?!?! What are you playing at, life? I'm beggining to question this reality.

I need to run. I try to lift my back hooves but I can't. "Oh, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!" I shrieked. I couldn't fly, now I can't run?

I turned around. A loud scream escaped my mouth. The flames have caught up to my hooves, pulling them.

I looked around franticaly. Right in front of me, the smallest puddle I've ever seen appeared. Perfect.

I stuck one of my front hooves into the puddle. The flames hissed. "Not so strong now, huh?" I smirked. Then the most wierdest thing happened.

The flames gave me a glare, if that made sense, before jumping into the puddle. It pulled me down.

The flames went out when they first touched the water. The wound on my back hooves spluttered blood everywhere, turning the water red.

Was this even a puddle? I began to sink down. This seems more like a pond or whatever now.

I looked up and knew I had to swim. I swam up. And up. And up. How long did it take to reach the surface?

Finaly, I reached up to see what looked like the surface. I reached my hoof out.


Dammit. It's not a surface; it's a mirror.

A figure appeared in the mirror. It looked like me, but the mare in the mirror had a rainbow mane and was covered in red spectra.

She reached out her hoof and placed it where I placed mine. 'Help me,' I mouthed. Her hoof sunk into the mirror.

Her hoof reached out for mine. But in a quick move, her hoove went past my hoove and pushed my head down.

"Isn't this the best job ever?" The mare asked, a wide smile on her face.

Finally, the stream took me away from the mirror and the insanely laughing mare in the mirror.

No oxygen down here. Everything was getting darker. And darker.


I woke up, panting. "Calm down, Neon," I told myself. "It was just a stupid dream," I said, although I my voice was doubting it.

I looked over to my digital clock. 12:25 am. I slept for a whole day and a half. It didn't quite make up for the one week shift. I looked over to the bar windows. Wet. It must've been raining. A puddle formed under the window.

I yawned and checked my back hooves. They sting.

They both look perfectly fine. Probaly just pins and needles. I checked my front hooves. I gasped when I saw what was on my right front hoof.

A lightning shaped rainbow was marked around my hoof (ankle? Wrist? What the heck). The rest of the hoof was tinged red. It glowed, as if it was breathing.

'Calm down,' I told myself, beggining to panic. 'It's just side effects,' I thought, panting. 'Yea, just side effects,' I reassured myself, feeling calmer.

I looked into my mirror. Damn. I look horrible. There were bags under my eyes and my face looked sticky and wet.

What the heck? Was I crying in my sleep?

"Some cry filly you are," I mumbled to myself, splashing the rain water onto my face.

Just then, the door burst open. Dash walked in.

"Hey, finally, you're awake. I was wondering when you would start your shift," Dash told me.

I looked at her, confused. "Um, Dash? In case you haven't noticed, it's in the middle of the night," I reminded her.

Dash laughed. "Well, you did take the night shift, didn't you?" She asked. Night shift?

"You never told me," I informed her. She shrugged. "Well, you agreed to the job, so, whatever works!" She said before trotting out of the room.

This was so unfair! I mean, I'm really tired, you know? But I wanted this job, so I put on my lab coat, stuck on my hair bow and trailed after Dash.

A blue, white and red stallion walked pass me. Stream. He stopped when he realized it was me and turned around. I gave him a small wave with my wing before leaving.

I wasn't his work partner anymore. The only kind of friend I had here, apart from Dash. I'll never see him again. OH WELL. SUCKS FOR HIM.

I kept on walking until we reached a huge, locked metal door marked 'CWC' . "Well, kid, here we are," Dash told me, pulling out keys from her lab coat.

I listened carefully. I heard noises through the door. A robotic noise. Cool, I get to control a machine?

The door opened. My smile was replace with a look of horror. Inside, there was a filly, a pegasus, with something that looked like she had a clipped wing. She was strapped to some metal contraption. Nearby the contraption, a green and yellow stallion placed his hoof on a lever.

I watched as the stallion pull the lever, causing a needle to dig into the poor filly's chest. I gasped. The filly screamed but there was nothing she could do.

Blood spluttered out of the filly's. Colour drained from her. The blood was collected and I realized, spectra was.... blood.

The filly was disposed of. I stared at the blood stained machine and looked at the triumph look on the stallion.

Not cool. I get to control a death machine.

--------Authors Note --------

THIRD CHAPTER! Sorry for the late update and the short chapter, but I'm feeling laaaazyyyy. Also, who can guess what was up with the dream? I you get the right answer, DIGITAL BROHOOF FOR YOU.

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