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I stared at my reflection in the mirror placed in my dorm room at the Rainbow Factory. It's been three months since I've been here.

Hmm, I feel like i'm forgetting something.

"Neon Shadow?" A gaurd called out from outside the door. Oh, yeah, my name. It's Neon Shadow. The gaurd had to check if anypony dissapeared. Somehow, it's a big deal if you leave.

"Still here, sir," I called back, not taking my eyes of the mirror. I combed my mane and put on my spectra covered lab coat.

I was pretty happy with my job. Sure, I didn't get a job at the Upper Rainbow Factory. But still, my talents fit my job perfectly.

No, it doesn't involve flying. I get to mix chemicals and spectra and make sure the liquid thunder doesn't blow up the whole factory. I was good in chemistry, so I loved my job.

That was before I knew what they really did. The little speaker that was placed in every room crackled. "Attention all day shift Spectra Mixers, or whatever I called them," Dash's voice boomed.

"Your shift will begin in 10 minutes! Get ready now, and please don't be late!" Dash announced. I'm pretty sure Dash had a thing punctuality. Nevermind, so did I.

I rushed out since I haven't eaten breakfast yet. On my way towards the front door, I grabbed my unusually huge neon purple hair bow and stuck it onto the back of my head.

I ran towards the Weather Factory's Cafeteria and picked up the wrapped food with my name on the wrapped. I pulled of the wrapper and a foul smell came into my nose. I hate the food here.

As I choked up the food, whatever it is, another speaker crackled. "5 minutes left, day mixers, or whatever. Hurry up or I'll turn you into rainbows!" Dash's voice threatened.

Dash always threatens ponies like that. "Do this or I'll turn you into rainbows! Do that or I'll turn you into rainbows! Blah blah blah rainbows!". If you disobey, you could see Dash telling  the fool to follow her, most probaly because she wants to turn them into a rainbow.

But I prefer to stick with logical terms. I bet she just fires them. Besides, everypony knows that you use spectra to make rainbows, not ponies, right? Uh, right?

But either way, I am NOT going to be late. I never am. So I threw away my, uh, wrapped food? I ignored the dirty look the cook was giving me.

I ran into the mixing lab and waited for other ponies to arrive and gather. Sure enough, after a few minutes, Dash trotted in and stood on a stage.

"Good morning, everypony. Hope you're all ready because it's the time of the month where you get to make extra rainbows and you need to do extra work. This might even take days, but I'm sure you'll manage," Dash told us, pacing back and forth.

"And no messing around, or I'll turn you into rainbows!" Dash warned. Same old threat, I mouthed the last part of her sentence. "Now, get to work! We don't want a shortage of rainbows, do we?" Dash ordered.

The workers groaned.

"So you do want a shortage of rainbows? Do you think that your the only ponies working? I put all my effort to run this factory, 24/7!!! And you, you... FOOLS only do dayshift all this while and when I ask you to do this one little favour for Equestria and you don't want to do it? Give me one good  reason why," Dash snapped.

A few ponies whimpered.

"Exactly what I thought. Now, BACK. TO. WORK," She shrieked.

A few ponies shook their head and mumbled "Yes, Miss Dash," before getting to their work stations.

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