The Letter

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20th March 1994 / London

Delphine's POV

"Delphine... Could you come into my office please" My eyes widen with panic and horror upon seeing my boss with such a serious expression "Uhmm... yes sir". My mind is racing with millions of possibilities on what he could want to talk to me about. By the time I get to his office, I've pretty much talked myself into thinking I'm getting fired from my job. I inhale a deep breath as I click his office door shut before carefully slumping myself down on the chair opposite him. "So.... we have a job vacancy opening up for our secretary position and I have you in mind... I feel you are perfect for the job... you have abilities and talents that are wasted on the shop floor" My mouth drops open in pure shock, no expecting those words from my mouth "Oh hmm... I dunno what to say sir.... hmm... thank you for thinking of me... If I choose to accept... what hours are we talking?". A gentle smile raises his lips, I think he knows I'm going to accept "It's gonna be long hours, so I don't think you'll have time for your other job... from 9 till 5, Monday to Friday 4 pounds an hour". That is nearly 2 pounds more than what I earn now, of course, I'm going to take it "I'll do it". 

I spent my last shift on the shop floor thinking about how different everything will be once I'm a secretary. It's by no means what I want to do with my life but It'll be a step up from the shop floor. Like my mom always says, even the greats climbed their way from the bottom. He told me I'll start training tomorrow then I can start working on Monday. I'm just happy I'll still have enough time for my singing at the theatre even with these new hours. 


"Alright, Gary... I'm off now.... see ya next week" Giving him one last wave as I make my way towards the door "See ya kid.... great show tonight". Gary lets me perform at his theatre for free and even gives me free alcohol for playing there. I don't mind if I don't get paid for it, I just love singing, ever since I was young, It's something I've always wanted to do. Sure getting paid for it would be more ideal, that way I wouldn't have to work 2 extra jobs on the side just to afford to pay my rent. 

I finally make it home, trudging my way through the door to see my usual pile of letters on the doormat. I scoop them up on my way into the living room, quickly flicking through them, trying to determine which ones are bills. My heart sinks right down to the pit of my stomach when I see the foreclosure letter at the bottom of the pile. A sense of worry and panic comes over me, wondering what on earth I'm going to do and where I'm going to live. I can't possibly go back and live with my parents, I wouldn't want to be a burden on them. I rip open the letter, tossing the envelope to the floor. The letter tells me I have until the 15th of April to be out of the house. My day started so well, had a great day at work, was promoted and then the show was a blazing success then just to put a stumper on it, I've been kicked out of my house. The last of the letters were just a big pile of bills which seem rather pointless now if I'm being kicked out. 

After spending half an hour moping on the sofa, I force myself upstairs to get changed for bed seeing as it's 1 in the morning. I scramble out of my clammy, sweaty clothes and throw them in the washing basket before pulling on my nightie and hopping into bed. My mind usually doesn't turn off, I spend hours just thinking about every little thing. I so desperately want to get out and see the world but at the moment I feel as if I'm stuck in a bottomless pit. I will do anything to get out of this situation if only there was something I could do to change it. My ears prick up when my computer pings, telling me I have an email. 


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