Mystery hunk

3 0 0

8th May

I've been crying and sobbing away to myself for the past hour, my body shivering with the number of emotions flowing through me. The words from the note plagued my mind like a nightmare 'Nobody wants you here.. go home or the king will send you home in a box'. I smash my head further into my pillow with a loud sob, my tears soaking through my bedding. Maybe it was a huge mistake to come here, especially if no one wants me here.

"Della?" I gasp loudly and force my tears back when I hear his deep hauntingly beautiful voice "Adrian... what are you doing here?" Turning over in my bed to face him. "I apologize... I did knock... I shouldn't have walked in" He spins around shamefully, prompting me to glance down at my body. My eyes widen with embarrassment when I see I'm only wearing my tiny satin nightie with the straps halfway down my arms, revealing the tops of my breasts "Oh god". I quickly grab a robe and quickly cover myself up "It's alright... you can look" Sniffling up my tears as I trail off.

He slowly spins back around and carefully sits down on the edge of the bed "Why are you so upset?". The longer I stare into his eyes, the more I come undone, prompting me to burst out sobbing in his chest "Nobody wants me here... I should go home". "Nonsense what makes you think that?" I sharply inhale a sob, my hands clinging to the collar of his jacket for comfort "That's what the note said... nobody wants me here". "Show me this note" I snivel through my wailing and try to compose myself the best I can before facing him. I reach over to the bedside table and pluck up the note and hand it to him. He sighs deep as he reads the note "Does he really not want me here?... I mean... I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome..." Breaking off into a sobbing mess as over his chest again. "Sweet Della... of course he wants you here... I bid you to stay... I believe this was written by one of the individuals who arrived with you" I sniffle up my tears and dry my eyes before facing him "It could have been Max... He is my ex... he was violent.. he's a creep.. a pervert.. I should have said earlier... the other night he was hounding me, when I tried to leave, he grabbed me so I hit him with the book and threatened him.. this might be his way of getting me back".

"Do not dwell... I will find out who wrote it" His icy cold skin caressing my damp cheek, instantly calming my nerves "Thankyou... Adrian". I hook my hand round his, gently nuzzling my blooming cheek further into it. "So.... beautiful" His thumb tracing my soft plump lips. The sensation causes my mouth to turn dry "Adrian...". Our eyes lock together in a powerful gaze, his bright emeralds luring me in. My hips subconsciously shuffle closer to him which seems to make him a little nervous. I shyly reach my hands out and slide them round his torso, snuggling my head into the crook of his neck "Hmm.... Hold me". It takes him a moment but he finally slides his arms round my body, embracing me affectionately. I coo and tilt my head, forcing my hair to fall away from my face and neck. I coo loudly when his fingers lightly skim my tender neck, leaving behind a trail of excitement. I nuzzle my head in closer so my lips are grazing the skin of his neck and it also brings my neck closer to him. I'm hoping he'll plant a sneaky kiss on my neck but seeing as he's a gentleman, I don't think he will. My hips shuffle closer again, making him pull away "I apologize sweet Della.... But I must go... I will return when I find out who wrote the note". I whine loudly when he removes his arms from around my waist "B--But... when will I see you?".

. . .

"Oh my god... that's awful" A look of horror and concern on Tessa's face "I just hope it wasn't someone... that's been... nice to my face". "Well... if what you say is true... then Adrian will find out I'm sure" I nod my head in response, releasing a deep sigh "I feel bad for just dumping my problems on him". She bites her lip to try and hide the smile that's making itself known "So... what else did you guys talk about?". "Well.... he did say.... he wants to see me... On Tuesday in the Red lounge" Apparently it's called the Red Lounge because the whole room is supposed to be red with red furniture although nobody has actually seen it or been inside before. Her whole face lights up with excitement, so many questions dying to get out "Oh my god.... what do you think he wants? maybe it's to ravage you amongst some romance novels..... or just ask you out... or just spend time with you". I cock my brow at her, not buying any of those as reasons for him wanting to see me "I'm sure it'll be to tell me who wrote the note... I mean sure he is romantic and intense but it's so discreet the way he does it... so.... old fashioned". "We have to find you something nice to wear" I roll my eyes and elicit a breathy laugh, all she thinks of is what outfit I should wear when I see him. Personally I couldn't care if I'm wearing my usual jeans and a t-shirt but it makes her happy to dress me up.

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