Chapter 3

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I drag myself down the stairs and to the kitchen where dad, Emily, and my dad's overly perky girlfriend Sarah is.

I don't like Sarah at all. She's the one that my dad cheated on my mother with. He chose her over mom and walked out, which made me feel like he chose her over all of us. She's in her mid to late twenties, so she's still way younger than my dad. She still thinks she's a teenager with her long blonde hair, belly button and nose ring, and her obsessive partying and money spending. I hate her.

"Good morning Riley." She says cheerfully.

"Hi." I mumble, sitting down at the table.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asks.

"I'm not hungry." I reply.

"Are you sure? If you're going to your dance practice thing, you should get something to eat." She tells me, hand on her hip.

"I'm fine, thanks." I reply.

"If you don't eat, then you'll get bloated and look fat." She warns me.

"She's right Riley." Dad says, taking a bite of toast. I glare at all of them.

"I think I'm going to leave early." I tell them, getting up from my seat and grabbing my coat

"Just wait a few minutes Ri, and then I'll drive you." Emily tells me.

"No, I'll walk." I reply coldly.


Lucky for me, it's actually quite nice out for walking.

Since I'm early, I go down to Squeezed to get something to eat. I rather eat by myself than with my 'family'.

I buy a granola bar and a drink and sit at a table by myself. I'm not that hungry to be honest, but I have to eat something. While I eat, I take out my phone and began to text my mom.

Just as I finish up, I notice James walk in, surprisingly by himself. That's my cue to leave. I grab my bag from beside me and walk right past him, not even bothering to look back.

By the time I get up to the studio, some of the A Troupe members are already there.

I go to my cubby and lay my bag in, when I feel someone's hands brush around my waist before the person is standing in front of my.

"Hey cutie." James says, leaning against the cubbies.

"First of all, do not call me that. And secondly, can you leave me alone? I'm really not in the mood." I grumble.

"Oh, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Are you deaf? I said leave me alone!" I snap.

"Jeez, all I was trying to do was help." He responds, holding his hands up in defence.

"I don't need your help. Just go and flirt with some girls or something." I mutter.

"You know, I'm sensing that you don't like me." He tells me, crossing his arms.

"Wow, you're smarter than I thought." I reply before walking away.

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