Chapter 9

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"Why can't you be nicer to dad?" Emily asks me as she drives to dance.

"I will when he starts being nicer to me." I mutter.

"He treats you perfectly fine Riley, and you know it. He asks you how school and dance is everyday, texts you a good morning text every morning when we're at mom's. He thinks the world over us." She replies.

"He cheated on mom and left us! Obviously he doesn't think that much over us if he did that!" He snap at her.

"I know that. But things weren't working out between them anyway." Emily tells me.

"Okay, you and I both know that's a lie. Everything was perfectly fine before mom found out!" I snap again.

"Riley, dad's trying to make an effort to get you to like him and spend time with you, and be a good dad. Maybe you should do the same instead of throwing yourself at James." She replies, lowering her voice at the last part.

"I am not throwing myself at James. He's not that bad when you get to know him." I growl. She doesn't say anything.


Usually I would go with Emily and the girls, but today I wanted a change. I confidently walked up to James and the guys instead.

"Hey." I say shyly. They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Uh, hi Riley." James says like he doesn't have a clue.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I ask. They look at me like I'm insane.

"Why are you with us instead of with your actual friends?" West asks rudely. That hurt a little.

"Leave her alone guys." James says, pushing West a little. I beamed at James. I never pictured him as a guy who would stand up for me.

"Well how about we leave and you can have her all to yourself?" West inquires before walking away, Eldon following. I turn back to James.

"Sorry, I should have left." I say.

"Nah, they're idiots anyway." He replies.

"So, I heard that Kate is getting us to do duets and..." I trail off.

"And?" James inquires, sounding bored.

"And I was wondering if we could, maybe, like, do a duet together." I reply shyly.

"Uh, yeah. That would be pretty cool." He replies, smiling down at me.

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