Chapter 13

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Rehearsals on Fridays only last two hours instead of the usual three or four, so this gave more time to get ready for tonight.

"Hey, you're still coming tonight, right?" I ask James while everyone was getting ready to leave.

"Yeah, of course I am." He replies with that amazing smile.

"Great. I can't wait to see you there." I reply, but quickly regret my words. But he just smiles.

And to my surprise, he kisses my cheek. My eyes widen, my jaw drops and the blood rushes to my cheeks when he pulls away. He just smirks.

"I'll see you tonight." He says before walking out of the studio. But I just stood there all by myself, trying to contain an overly high pitched squeal. I touched my cheek and sighed happily.


"Why are you so happy?" Emily questions on the way home, taking quick glances at me.

"No reason." I reply, still smiling out the window like an idiot.

"Is it because of James?" She questions, sighing heavily.

I think by now I can admit that I have fallen for James. He had seen like such a player, a flirt and an idiot on the outside, but now that I have actually talked to him, he's really a great guy.

"Maybe." I reply.

"God, I can't believe that...Thing will be in our house." She grumbles.


I curled my hair and re did my makeup before I changed into a black shorts, and a white crop top.

"Riley! Are you coming down?" My dad calls out to me.

"Soon!" I reply. By now, people were beginning to show up. But James still wasn't here, even though I expected him here by now.


I paced my bedroom floor, looking out my window every few minutes to see if James was here yet. I took out my phone.

To: James
Hey, are you still coming? Please text back when you can :)

I hit send and waited for him to answer. But he never. Even after another half an hour, he never answered.

"Riley, dad wants you to come down now." Emily says, poking her head in the door.

"By any chance, is James downstairs?" I ask, hope in my voice.

"No. He never showed up yet." She replies, crossing her arms.

"Oh. I guess I'll come down then." I sigh, combing my fingers through my hair and proceeded to follow her down the stairs.

I got my supper and went outside where everyone else was eating.

"Hey hun!" Dads says, giving my a side hug.

"Hi." I sigh, pushing his arm away.

"Did your friend show up yet?" He asks.

"No, not yet." I reply.

"Oh. Well get your supper and just wait and see if he comes." He instructs.

"Whatever. I mutter, walking to a small table set up at the edge of the yard, away from everyone else.

I checked my phone every two minutes, even if I never heard it go off. But James still never texted me back.

But I just didn't understand why he would bail on me like that.

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