Chapter 10

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Like I expected, Kate told us we were doing duets. But while everyone was buzzing around looking for a partner, I stood proudly next to James.

"Want to go to the music room so we can start thinking of ideas for the duet?" I ask him. Almost everyone was staying in Studio A, but I was hoping that we could be alone.

"Uh, sure I guess." He replies, looking up from his phone.

We grabbed our stuff from the cubbies and headed down to the music room. Which was already occupied by some of the B Troupe girls.

"Hey James." They both say flirtatiously.

"Are you guys busy here?" He asks me them.

"No, we were just messing around. You can stay here if you want." Sara replies.

"Thanks girls." He replies, waving at them as they walk out.


It took us roughly an hour and a half, but we managed to get half the duet done.

"Want to take a break?" I ask him.

"Sure I guess." He replies, retrieving his phone, which hasn't stopped going off, from his bag and takes a seat on the bench. I sit down too.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" I blurt out. But he just chuckles.

"No, not at the moment. But I got an eye on this one girl." He replies, smiling at me.

I turn away so he doesn't see me blushing. Am I 'that one girl'? But I think back to the flirty looks he gave Beth and Sara, and how he always tries to flirt with the other girls in A Troupe. I can't be so sure.


I decided to ditch going to my father's after dance and visited my mom instead. For a couple hours at least.

"Mom?" I call out when I let myself in.

"In the kitchen!" She calls out. I walk into the kitchen where she was making her supper.

"Hey." I sigh, laying my dance bag on a chair.

"Aren't you supposed to be at your dad's?" She sighs, stirring the pot on the stove.

"Yeah. I just wanted to visit you." I reply, leaning against the counter. She lays her spoon down and turns around so she's facing me.

"How was dance?" She asks.

"Good. We're doing duets." I tell her, taking a seat on a stool.

"Oh, that's nice." She replies.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure sweetie."

"Is it possible to hate someone, but then like them the next day?" I ask.

"What kind of like?" She questions.

"Like like." I mumble awkwardly.

"Oh, like a crush?" She teases. "Does my little girl have a crush?"

"Oh my God yes!" I cry out, getting embarrassed. She laughs.

"Alright. Who's the lucky boy?" She asks. I blush madly.

"James from dance." I reply shyly.

"Isn't that the boy that you and Emily are always complaining about and saying you hate?" She inquires.

"Well, yeah. But I spent some time with him the other day, and I seen how nice and sweet he actually is. He listened to my problems and comforted me." I tell her. I look up at her, my cheeks blazing red.

"He made me feel special. Like I was the only person that mattered." I confess.

"Well, than that's the only thing that matters." She replies.

"But what do I do now?" I ask.

"Well, there's not much you can do." She says.

"How do I know that he likes me back?" I ask. She thinks for a moment before replying,

"Watch very carefully the way he is towards you. The way he looks at you, talks to you and his overall personality when he's around you. Just look out for little signs."

"Thanks mom." I say, giving her a hug.

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