FAN MAIL; anon

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FAN MAIL; anon

i love you!

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━❝i love you!❞━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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Dear Itoshi Sae,


Also, yes, I'm very vulgar. I keep my cool so much that when it's on written paper I say whatever the hell I want because fuck norms.

I was on Insta before I went to get ready for bed and I AM ON THE FLOOR. No grass can help me at this point. It was a drawing of Toji and bro... His uh dick?? LIKE IT WASN'T EXPLICIT, he was wearing pants. IDK MAN. HELP. If you see this, you're definitely never gonna wanna talk to me ever again, but that's very much expected.


In one of your interviews, you were wearing a ring and bracelets. I was like, "ayo those look familiar." So me being me examined them more and was shocked by my "scientific" results. I sound stupid right now but we have the same jewelry LOL. Matching?? I got mine as a gift for my bday and I nearly sobbed when I received them because they're so cute <33 They're precious to me and if I ever lost them I would lose my shit. The person who gave them to me means a lot to me and I want to kiss them.

Nah because I swear I saw you at the JFA once. I was at a BLLK conference and I was 99.9% sure I saw you by the door. I'm pretty blind so my eyes might be deceiving me, but no one else has brownish red hair except you. Maybe Chigiri, idk, he has more of a pinker tone than red. Color theory sucks tbh. I need some confirmation though, were you wearing a white dress shirt? Who am I kidding, the conference was so damn long ago my memory may have altered. And I don't expect you to remember either.

Writing this letter while watching the Genshin voice actors play Among Us like pros. It's almost 5 am, I'm on the verge of falling asleep, I have to wake up early, but yolo. Besides, tf is Ego gonna do? Ban me from working here? Does he really think I want to be here??

Zach (Aether's VA) was talking and I thought it was Khoi (Albedo's VA). I'm going crazy, send help.

You should totally try out Genshin, if you have time ofc. I use Eula to carry my team while saying I'm a Kaeya main to avoid conflict. I love Kaeya so much, I'll do anything for him to be happy. He also has a boob window but that's not what's important here. I want him and Diluc to make up for crying out loud before I, and all of the Genshin fans, go insane. I know you have no idea what I'm talking about but I can't help myself. I tend to talk wayyy too much about the things I enjoy, sometimes forgetting that I'm wasting people's time.

This is so fucking boring.

I hate it here.

Okay okay, I love you! Bye bye!



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FAN MAIL; s. itoshi - dcWhere stories live. Discover now