Still Broken

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John POV: 

I followed the string through a forest. The same one where Arthur, me, and the rest of the gang rode through to get to Horseshoe Overlook. 

Many of the trees have been reduced to stumps, the world was changing rapidly around me.  

"This world don't want us no more." I sighed remembering the old days where cities were much smaller and horse-drawn carriages and wagons were the norms. 

I trudged onward, I hadn't noticed that this was the road to where Arthur was buried all those years ago. 

As I walked closer, I could hear sobbing nearby. I drew my gun and crept closer. 

The sight in front of me was a grisly one. Now, I ain't gonna get into detail as to what I saw as I don't think that I can ever recover from that sight. Nor do I think anyone should.

But, there she was, (Y/N) (L/N) er, (Y/N) Morgan I should say. She was married to Arthur years ago. She was covered in scrapes and cuts of varying sizes. Bleeding from all over. I tried to announce my presence in a way that seemed unintrusive. The last thing I want is for her to hate me, not only is she the only remaining member of the formerly great Van Der Linde gang besides myself and Pearson, Uncle, and Tilly, but she is also a reminder of simpler times and seeing her so far gone like this...I shook my head clearing my head of the negative thoughts clouding my mind. 

I knelt beside (Y/N) rubbing small circles on her back, hoping to tell her all would be okay. I say hoping because I almost cried too. I lost a friend and he was a good one too. Loyal to me till the end. Besides, how can I tell anyone that all is well in the world, have you seen what it's like? Our era is coming to a close, it's like us outlaws were once a favorite toy of a young child. As that child grew older, they stopped playing with us and kept us in a box for the rest of their life. 

I stared at the headstone of the grave worn down by weather and time. "Blessed are those...Hunger...Righteousness..."

I then looked up at the sky where Arthur was hopefully looking down upon (Y/N). 

"Please help (Y/N) however you can," I whispered. "She needs a light and you were hers."

I continued to rub small circles on her back as her sobs eventually died down. 

She took a few deep breaths and gave me the most heartbreaking smile I have ever seen. "Thank you, John." She hiccuped. I smiled back slightly. I began to turn away when (Y/N) suddenly threw herself into my arms. 

"It's been so long since I've hugged anyone." She said muffled by the tears and my shirt. I could do nothing but stand there, stiff. Though eventually, I grew accustomed to the embrace and I wrapped my arms around her waist, careful to not overstep my boundaries. I looked at the grave in front of me and I felt a few hot tears trickle down from my eyes. Leaving a trail of wet in their wake. 

I looked down in order to avoid crying anymore than I already should have. 

That's when I noticed the red string had turned to gold and began to glow brightly, illuminating the patch on the now dark hill where we stood. 


As I was hugging John, I felt a warmth on my pinkie finger, the same finger where the string had attached itself. I opened my puffy, wet eyes and found that the string was now glowing and it was slowly dissolving into the air, transforming into bright, glowing, golden rose petals. that fluttered lightly in the breeze and eventually faded to gold dust. 

I read tales where that sort of thing happened back when the gang was still intact. 

To see it happen in front of my eyes is something completely new and it was...healing to me. 

Fate is a funny thing.

Red String of Fate John Marston X readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora